逻辑部分做完了,但是有几道题还是想不明白,身边人给的理由也没法完全说通,想请教一下各位大神 142.Budget constraints have made policeofficials consider reassigning a considerable number of officers from trafficenforcement to work on higher priority,serious crimes. Reducing trafficenforcement for this reason would be counterproductive, however, in light ofthe tendency of criminals to use cars when engaged in the commission of seriouscrimes. An officer stopping a car for a traffic violation can make a searchthat turns up evidence of serious crime. Which of the following, if true, moststrengthens the argument given? A.An officer who stops a car containingevidence of the commission of a serious crime risks a violent confrontation,even if the vehicle was stopped only for a traffic violation. B.When the public becomes aware thattraffic enforcement has lessened, it typically becomes lax in obeying trafficrules. C.Those willing to break the law to commitserious crimes are often in committing such crimes unwilling to observe whatthey regard as the lesser constraints of traffic law. D.The offenders committing serious crimeswho would be caught because of traffic violations are not the same group ofindividuals as those who would be caught if the arresting officers werereassigned from traffic enforcement. E.The great majority of persons who arestopped by officers for traffic violations are not guilty of any seriouscrimes. 正确答案:C 158.Most scholars agree that King Alfred(A.D. 849–899) personally translated a number of Latin texts into Old English.One historian contends that Alfred also personally penned his own law code,arguing that the numerous differences between the language of the law code andAlfred's translations of Latin texts are outweighed by the even more numeroussimilarities. Linguistic similarities, however, are what one expects in textsfrom the same language, the same time, and the same region. Apart from Alfred'ssurviving translations and law code,there are only two other extant works fromthe same dialect and milieu, so it is risky to assume here that linguisticsimilarities point to common authorship. The passage above proceeds by A.providing examples that underscoreanother argument's conclusion B.questioning the plausibility of anassumption on which another argument depends C.showing that a principle if generallyapplied would have anomalous consequences D.showing that the premises of anotherargument are mutually inconsistent E.using argument by analogy to undermine aprinciple implicit in another argument 正确答案:B 167. Colorless diamonds can command highprices as gemstones. A type of less valuable diamonds can be treated to removeall color. Only sophisticated tests can distinguish such treated diamonds fromnaturally colorless ones. However,only 2 percent of diamonds mined are of thecolored type that can be successfully treated, and many of those are ofinsufficient quality to make the treatment worthwhile. Surely, therefore, thevast majority of colorless diamonds sold by jewelers are naturally colorless. A serious flaw in the reasoning of theargument is that A.comparisons betweenthe price diamonds command as gemstones and their value for other uses areomitted B.information aboutthe rarity of treated diamonds is not combined with information about therarity of naturally colorless, gemstone diamonds C.the possibility thatcolored diamonds might be used as gemstones, even without having been treated,is ignored D.the currentlyavailable method for making colorless diamonds from colored ones is treated asthough it were the only possible method for doing so E.the difficulty thata customer of a jeweler would have in distinguishing a naturally colorlessdiamond from a treated one is not taken into account 正确答案: B 184.Gortland has long been narrowlyself-sufficient in both grain and meat. However, as per capita income inGortland has risen toward the world average, per capita consumption of meat hasalso risen toward the world average, and it takes several pounds of grain toproduce one pound of meat. Therefore, since per capita income continues torise, whereas domestic grain production will not increase, Gortland will soonhave to import either grain or meat or both. Which of the following is an assumption onwhich the argument depends? The total acreage devoted to grain production in Gortlandwill soon decrease. A.Importing either grain or meat will notresult in a significantly higher percentage of B.Gortlanders' incomes beingspent on food than is currently the case. C.The per capita consumption of meat inGortland is increasing at roughly the same rate across all income levels. D.The per capita income of meat producersin Gortland is rising faster than the per capita income of grainproducers. E.People in Gortland who increase theirconsumption of meat will not radically decrease their consumption ofgrain. 正确答案: E