以下是引用LRzealot在2005-8-28 16:56:00的发言:
请教 薰衣紫草 j , OG解释中关于correctiveness和effectiveness的具体表现在那里啊。自从看到你今年五月在SC版发的帖子后,我一直在OG中寻找ETS关于correctiveness和effectiveness的线索。但是无能,没有发现。 请问可以拿一个OG题目的解释作为例子吗?展示OG是如何按顺序解释这个问题的?
OG P.652 这是ETS自己对于correctness and effectiveness的解释, 也是你在考试前能读到的一段说明:
This question tests correctness and effectiveness of expression. In choosing your answer, follow the requirements of standard written English; that is, pay attention to grammar, choice of words, and sentence construction. Choose the answer that produces the most effective sentence; this answer should be clear and exact, without awkwardness, ambiguity, redundancy, or grammartical errors.
correctness的错误: grammar, choice of words, sentence construction.
effectiveness的错误: awkwardness, ambiguity, redundancy, grammartical errors (只影响句字的clear and exact)
OG的解释在分析每一个问题都会提到以上几个方面, 这就是标准. |