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发表于 2016-11-8 01:25:44 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
Jacob Burckhardt’sview that Renaissance European women “stood on a footing of perfect equality”with Renaissance men has been repeatedly cited by feminist scholars as aprelude to their presentation of rich historical evidence of women’sinequality. In striking contrast to Burckhardt, Joan Kelly in her famous 1977essay, “Did Women Have a Renaissance?” argued that the Renaissance was a periodof economic and social decline for women relative both to Renaissance men andto medieval women. Recently, however, a significant trend among feministscholars has entailed a rejection of both Kelly’s dark vision of theRenaissance and Burckhardt’s rosy one. Many recent works by these scholars stress the ways in which differences among Renaissance women—especially interms of social status and religion—work to complicate the kinds ofgeneralizationsboth Burckhardt and Kelly made on the basis of theirobservations about upper-class Italian women

The trend is alsoevident, however, in works focusing on those middle- and upper-class Europeanwomen whose ability to write gives them disproportionate representation in thehistorical record. Such women were, simply by virtue of their literacy, membersof a tiny minority of the population, so it is risky to take their descriptionsof their experiences as typical of “female experience” in any general sense.Tina Krontiris, for example, in her fascinating study of six Renaissance womenwriters, does tend at times to conflate “women” and “women writers,assumingthat women’s gender, irrespective of other social differences, includingliteracy, allows us to view women as a homogeneous social group and make thatgroup an object of analysis. Nonetheless, Krontiris makes a significant contributionto the field and is representative of those authors who offer what might becalled a cautiously optimistic assessment of Renaissance women’s achievements,although she also stresses the social obstacles Renaissance women faced whenthey sought to raise their “oppositional voices.” Krontiris is concerned toshow women intentionally negotiating some power for themselves (at least in therealm of public discourse) against potentially constraining ideologies, but inher sober and thoughtful concluding remarks, she suggests that such verbalopposition to cultural stereotypes was highly circumscribed; women seldomattacked the basic assumptions in the ideologies that oppressed them
这里说TK把女性作家和女性当做一个统一体来研究,她也没有区分不同女性的社会状况,那这不就和Kelly Burckhardt一样了么?那TK到底是支持Kelly Burckhardt的作家还是反对的?


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 楼主| 发表于 2016-11-8 01:28:32 | 只看该作者
130. The author of the passage discusses Krontiris primarily to provide an example of a writer who

(A) is highly critical of the writings of certain Renaissance women
(B) supports Kelly’s view of women’s status during the Renaissance
(C) has misinterpreted the works of certain Renaissance women
(D) has rejected the views of both Burckhardt and Kelly
(E) has studied Renaissance women in a wide variety of social and religious contexts

发表于 2016-12-13 20:48:39 | 只看该作者
发表于 2016-12-14 14:11:54 | 只看该作者
第二段第一句前两个单词,"The trend"是指第一段的 “the significant trend",就是反对K和B的。Krontiris的例子是针对第二段的第一句话举例的,所以Krontiris是反对K和B的。
另外,The trend is also evident, however, 说明接下来讨论的这部分是和第一段最后一部分是并列的:“Many recent works by these scholars stress the ways in which differences among Renaissance women-especially in terms of social status and religion-work to complicate the kinds of generalizations both Burckhardt and Kelly made on the basis of their observations about upper-class Italian women.“  


发表于 2016-12-18 09:59:07 | 只看该作者
primary purpose
第二段的point是第一句话: The trend is alsoevident, however, in works focusing on those middle- and upper-class Europeanwomen whose ability to write gives them disproportionate representation in thehistorical record.
这里的trend就是 “ a significant trend among feministscholars has entailed a rejection of both Kelly’s dark vision of theRenaissance and Burckhardt’s rosy one

后面给的 “Tina Krontiris, for example” 是来支撑point 的, 所以他的Primarypurpose 就是 “provide an example of a writer who has rejected the views of both Burckhardt and Kelly”
发表于 2017-3-14 11:28:48 | 只看该作者
猫樱花 发表于 2016-12-18 09:59
primary purpose
第二段的point是第一句话: The trend is alsoevident, however, in works focusing on th ...

发表于 2017-6-9 09:35:19 | 只看该作者
Many recent works by these scholars stress the ways in which differences among Renaissance women—especially interms of social status and religion—work to complicate the kinds ofgeneralizationsboth Burckhardt and Kelly made on the basis of theirobservations about upper-class Italian women    这句话到底怎么理解,求大神给翻译
发表于 2017-6-20 20:14:30 | 只看该作者
圆圆爱哦 发表于 2017-6-9 09:35
Many recent works by these scholars stress the ways in which differences among Renaissance women—es ...

发表于 2017-8-8 15:34:17 | 只看该作者
E不对啊。 Tina Krontiris, for example, in her fascinating study of six Renaissance womenwriters, does tend at times to conflate “women” and “women writers,assumingthat women’s gender, irrespective of other social differences, includingliteracy, allows us to view women as a homogeneous social group and make thatgroup an object of analysis.   K没有区分女人和女作家,女作家也算是社会精英了,K并没有像E选项说的has studied Renaissance women in a wide variety of social and religious contexts
发表于 2017-8-8 15:38:50 | 只看该作者

这个我也不会。但是大致意思大概是,这些学者最近的著作里强调了在文艺复兴时期的女性群体内部存在的差异,尤其是社会地位和宗教信仰的不同,(这样的差异)使得B和K 这样以观察上流社会女人为基础得出的一般化结论是不够客观的。
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