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[梦之队日记] GMAT备考冲刺日记

发表于 2016-10-1 00:47:58 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式

√OG CR: 18; 29; 36;32
ron视频-2012/03/01 (没看完;停在32:36)

51. In recent studies, however, we have discovered that the production and release in brain neurons of the neurotransmitter serotonin (neurotransmitters are compounds that neurons use to tranmist signals to other cells) depend directly on the food that the body processes.
句子逻辑结构: producation and release depend on the food

52. Our first studies sought to determine whether the increase in serotonin obseved in rats given a large injection of the amino acid tryptophan might also occur after rats ate meals that change tryptonphan levels in the blood.
更新: 这个句子太绕了,今天早上再看,觉得有点明白了。rats injection aat-->increase in serotonin; rats ate meal(change aat)--?-->increase in serotonin

  • The consumption of protein increases blood concentration of the other amino acids much more, proportionately, than it does that of tryptophan.
单词: amino acids: 氨基酸
句子逻辑框架: 比较;The consumption of protein -- ?blood concentration of aa > try
初读的时候than it does that of 造成的很大的困扰,不知道在这四个单词指的什么
that-->blood concentration

54.This revisionist view of Jim Crow legislation grew in part from the research that Woodward had done for the NAACP legal campaign during its preparation for Brown v. Board of Education.
单词: Jim Crow: The policy of segregating black people from white people that used to be practised in the United States is sometimes referred to as Jim Crow
句子逻辑框架: Jim Crow's view grew in part from the research
翻译: 这个新修正的针对黑人隔离法案部分来源于W为NAACP的BBE legal canpaign做的research

55. Woodward confessed with ironic modesty that the first edition "had begun to suffer under some of the handicaps that might be expected in a history of the American Revolution published in 1776. "
单词: handicap: 不利因素
逻辑框架: W begun to suffer under xxx

56. Yet, like Paine, Woodward had an unerring sense of the revolutionary moment, and of how historical evidence could undermine the mythological tradition that was crushing the dreams of new social possibilities.
单词: unerring : always right or accurate
         mythological: 神话的;虚构的        
         undermine: 这个单词是削弱的意思!!!! 为什么总是记成强调了啊啊? 削弱削弱削弱= Weaken
句子逻辑框架: 并列; P=W, W had an unerring sense of A and B
翻译: 然而,就像Paine一样,Woodward 对革命性的时刻有着正确的感觉,同样的也对历史证据能够削弱那种能够粉碎了新社会可能性的神话式的传统有着正确的感觉。

go: 18; 29; 36;32

看了ron的sc视频收获很大,之前只知道ving修饰句子主语,从来没有想过原来ving 这种modifier是可以帮助一个句子表达cause and effect的意思。
A truck crashed in front of me on the freeway, making me late to work.
句子逻辑框架: 我迟到是因为车祸
A truck crashed in front of me on the freeway, and I was thus late to work
,and +thus/consequently/so 也可以表达cause and effect的意思,等同上面的意思

Ron说: Grammar doesn't exist until you know what you are supposed to be saying; you cannot judge the construction until you figure it out.
modifier means you want to give me more information about it.
ex1: Ron devoured his lunch, gulped down the drinks, and fell asleep. √
     Ron devoured his lunch, gulping down the drinks and falling asleep ×
gulping and falling 这两个modifier doesn't make sense.. 三个动词并没有优先级,所以他们应该是用parallel structure,

ex2: Ron devoured his lunch, crunched loudly, and burped at regular intervals
       Ron devoured his lunch, crunching loudly and burping at regular intervals
提供思路: 以后碰到看到并列信号词,先看看句意是否要表达same prioruty level,如果一个并没有比另一个优先的话,那就没必要用动词ing形式的modifier
看到一个句子有多个actions,想想what's their relation among their actions? is there a priority?
Ok, 如果没有优先级,那么作者写这个句子是想表达并列.

今天总结: 今天有事儿计划完成的不太好,如果外出有事儿其实可以利用起闲碎时间看看economists文章,背杨鹏长难句。大块的空闲时间就看视频做题总结。


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简单逻辑这本书看完 / 1个半小时
OG CR: 题不在多,想明白为止;希望把og错题过完

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Ron视频-2012/3/15看完 USE OF AND / 1小时20分
Ron视频-2015/3/26 看完 USE OF AND / 一小时20分钟
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