要美帝資金的 (e.g. US bank, funds and etc...)去了New York, 要歐洲的就慣性的去倫敦 (since the banks of EU and UK are there)
如果歐洲的資金(EU bank are subjected to EU regulation, why stay London then?) 搬走了, 集資的自然跟著走......
as far as I know, it is (now) London >> Frankfurt, Zurich, which are top 3.
Paris should be afterwards then, maybe the 4th.
Given the English enviorment of Paris, I think Paris will be still a big, regional, but not international financial center, same as the current status after brexit. Maybe get a bit more business, but wont able to take much from London.
P.S. most of the "poor" countries in Europe are indeed..........quite rich when compared to developing countries even though they look poor..
至于法国,反正可能是因为我自己的偏见,反正假如要真搬我去巴黎,我就辞职,类似的城市还有Barcelona,罗马,milan,and a very long list。 去去旅游,偶尔一个trip什么还行。住在那里,不是语言的问题,而是生活太糟糕了。 像我在mel,london,或者NY,SF,我给房租贵点,不想开车的时候叫taxi,基本就比较安全了。但是paris。我一个日本的哥们还说过他在法国training的时候,同一批人里面有人被黑人爆菊花的经历。而我自己在法国旅游和出差,已经是住在第七和第八区了,都还被偷东西,还有一次居然在91省车子玻璃被打碎偷东西的经历。都已经是在核心商业区和富人区,都这种治安,我还以为我在马尼拉呢。 说回我刚才说的朋友, 我还问题说要不搬去巴黎。结果他第一个反应,也是开玩笑,那他公司得再多准备一份budget去买work phone。