I think it will be an interesting question to discuss who (and how much) will take over the financial service that was provided in London. I guess potential candidates include: Dublin, Frankfurt, Paris, Amsterdam, and Edinburgh after Scotland independent.
but I think this is necessarily not a bad news to UK MBA student.
The job is still there in Europe, and the only thing that changes is the location.
and indeed, it may be a good news to international students as it is generally easier to get a work visa there when compared to UK: MBA in England (maybe no longer UK), and then a job in Europe.
But of course, the nature question come afterwards is: why MBA in UK then? umum......that's a good question.
那整個英國,特別倫敦,的房價就跌慘了!House prices are way overpriced! Luckily I can't be bothered with the banking sector. I want a proper career in the industries so London is not my ultimate destination anyway.