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发表于 2005-8-16 14:33:00 | 只看该作者


10. Rheumatic fever is the most serious complication of streptococcal infection, but rheumatic fever is not itself an infection. Rheumatic fever occurs only when, in defending against streptococcal infection, the body’s immunological system produces antibodies that also attack the cells of the heart and kidneys.

Which of the following, if true, would contribute most to an explanation of why only streptococcal bacteria give rise to rheumatic fever?

(A) Only certain strains of streptococcal bacteria are associated with rheumatic fever.

(B) The antibodies that the body produces to control a streptococcal infection can attack cells of the mucous membranes.

(C) Antibiotics have not proved as effective against streptococcal infections as they have against some other bacterial infections.

(D) Streptococcal bacteria are the only bacteria that are structurally similar to the cells of the body attacked in rheumatic fever.

(E) Rheumatic fever can be misdiagnosed if it is not preceded by a serious streptococcal infection.     ans: D

为何STRUCTURALLY SIMILAR 能做答案; 我觉得答案不严密阿

 楼主| 发表于 2005-8-16 14:55:00 | 只看该作者

Another One:

16. A new technique for extracting residues of oil from existing oil wells by using lignins, a by-product of papermaking, is profitable provided that oil prices are over 20 dollars a barrel. Since oil prices are rising, investors looking for companies with prospects for rapid growth in profits would be wise to invest in paper manufacturers, whose currently almost worthless by-product will soon be a profit-boosting commodity.

Which of the following, if true, most seriously weakens the argument above?

(A) A small quantity of lignins are currently sold by paper manufacturers to chemical companies, but most of the lignins produced are burnt as waste.

(B) The 20-dollar-a-barrel oil price as a threshold of profitability for using lignins allows for the increased cost of refining crude oil that has been extracted using lignins.

(C) Only one-half to two-thirds of the total oil in a well can be extracted using conventional techniques of pumping and flooding with water.

(D) Petroleum-based substances that can be used as a substitute for lignins in extracting oil are costly and are made from oil, and these substances therefore increase in price as oil increases in price.

(E) The quantity of lignins produced annually in the manufacture of paper is several times larger than the amount that is likely to be useful in the oil industry.

我看E是support 吗,怎会是答案?

发表于 2005-8-16 15:47:00 | 只看该作者
以下是引用whq2002在2005-8-16 14:55:00的发言:

Another One:

16. A new technique for extracting residues of oil from existing oil wells by using lignins, a by-product of papermaking, is profitable provided that oil prices are over 20 dollars a barrel. Since oil prices are rising, investors looking for companies with prospects for rapid growth in profits would be wise to invest in paper manufacturers, whose currently almost worthless by-product will soon be a profit-boosting commodity.

Which of the following, if true, most seriously weakens the argument above?

(A) A small quantity of lignins are currently sold by paper manufacturers to chemical companies, but most of the lignins produced are burnt as waste.

(B) The 20-dollar-a-barrel oil price as a threshold of profitability for using lignins allows for the increased cost of refining crude oil that has been  extracted using lignins.

(C) Only one-half to two-thirds of the total oil in a well can be extracted using conventional techniques of pumping and flooding with water.

(D) Petroleum-based substances that can be used as a substitute for lignins in extracting oil are costly and are made from oil, and these substances therefore increase in price as oil increases in price.

(E) The quantity of lignins produced annually in the manufacture of paper is several times larger than the amount that is likely to be useful in the oil industry.

我看E是support 吗,怎会是答案?

同意选E. 题干说每barrel油在20美元时,制纸业的副产品lignin可以使提炼残存油profitable;又说现在油价飞涨,所以投资制纸业可以有回报。问哪个削弱此推论?

E 说制纸业的lignins每年的产量要比炼油上所需用的lignins多得多. 因此推出:不会出现求大于供现象, 所以就算大家都去投资制纸业,也不会有回报,所以削弱啊。

ACD是无关选项,B 感觉有点加强。请指教!

 楼主| 发表于 2005-8-18 13:01:00 | 只看该作者




 楼主| 发表于 2005-8-19 12:09:00 | 只看该作者

can anyone help me on first one i put ...

i thought no answer there...

发表于 2005-8-19 13:07:00 | 只看该作者

题干说R fever 本身不单独产生,而是伴随S fever一种严重的并发症。在人体在对于S 病毒搏斗时,产生的抗体会攻击心脏,肾脏细胞,这时R fever 就发生了。

D 说:S 病毒是唯一一个细胞结构和在发生R fever 时受攻击细胞结构相同的病毒。

所以,这就是an explanation of why only streptococcal bacteria give rise to rheumatic fever

其他都是无关选项,只有D 直接地连接了2者间的关系。


发表于 2005-8-19 15:23:00 | 只看该作者
以下是引用whq2002在2005-8-16 14:33:00的发言:

10. Rheumatic fever is the most serious complication of streptococcal infection, but rheumatic fever is not itself an infection. Rheumatic fever occurs only when, in defending against streptococcal infection, the body’s immunological system produces antibodies that also attack the cells of the heart and kidneys.

Which of the following, if true, would contribute most to an explanation of why only streptococcal bacteria give rise to rheumatic fever?

(A) Only certain strains of streptococcal bacteria are associated with rheumatic fever.

(B) The antibodies that the body produces to control a streptococcal infection can attack cells of the mucous membranes.

(C) Antibiotics have not proved as effective against streptococcal infections as they have against some other bacterial infections.

(D) Streptococcal bacteria are the only bacteria that are structurally similar to the cells of the body attacked in rheumatic fever.

(E) Rheumatic fever can be misdiagnosed if it is not preceded by a serious streptococcal infection.     ans: D

为何STRUCTURALLY SIMILAR 能做答案; 我觉得答案不严密阿



D说Streptococcal bacteria 是和体内受攻击的细胞唯一结构类似的细菌,而文中说发烧的原因是体内xxx细胞受某种抗体攻击引起的.

一有Streptococcal bacteria ,就产生某种抗体, 由于结构相近,体内xxx细胞也受到攻击,发烧.

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