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Parasitic wasps lay their eggs directly into the eggs of various host insects in exactly the right numbers for any suitable size of host egg.If they laid too many eggs in a host egg, the developing wasp larvae would compete with each other to the death for nutrients and space.If too few eggs were laid, portions of the host egg would decay, killing the wasp larvae.

Which of the following conclusions can properly be drawn from the information above?

正确答案: A











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[Helr题库] 求大神解答几题helr上不懂得题目

发表于 2016-4-25 22:50:40 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
1. In order to stop hair loss, a shampoo company plans to use Angelica sinensis, an eatable herb, as an important additive in its shampoo. Angelica sinensis can only be found at Yangshuo, a smal town in China, and the hair of residents in Yangshuo who use Angelica sinensis as shampoo is extremly healthy and black. Clearly, therefore, the product of shampoo with Angelica sinensis should be effective to stop hair loss

Which of the following is an assumption on which the argument depends?

A.Angelica sinensis will not be ineffective if synthesized with other ingredients in many shampoos.
B.If the residents in Yangshuo leave to other cities, many of them will suffer hair loss.
C.Some of the shampoo company's consumers do not suffer from hair loss.
D.Even if the shampoo company adds Angelica sinensis to its product, the sales of shampoo will remain stable or even decrease slightly because of its poor band image.
E.It can be estimated that in the year after the company adds Angelica sinensis, there would not be a greater variety of shampoos on the market than there was during the previous year.

楼主选的A 很纠结AB啊 ,求大神解答

2.Parasitic wasps lay their eggs directly into the eggs of various host insects in exactly the right numbers for any suitable size of host egg. If they laid too many eggs in a  host egg, the developing wasp larvae would compete with each other to the death for nurtrients and space. If too few eggs were laid, portions of the host egg would decay, killing wasp's larvae.

Which of the following conclusions can properly be drawn from the information above?

A. The size of the smallest host egg that a wasp could theoretically parasitize can be determined from the wasp's egg-laying behaviour.
B. Host insects lack any effective defenses against the form of predation practiced by parasitic wasps.
C. Parasitic wasps learn from experience how many eggs to lay into the eggs of different host species.
D. Failure to lay enough eggs would lead to the death of the developing wasp larvae more quickly than laying too many eggs would.
E. Parasitic wasps use visual clues to calculate the size of a host egg.

如果按照题目的意思 这种寄生性的黄蜂根据宿主昆虫的size来考虑产多少卵,如果产的太多,则黄蜂的幼虫可能因为争夺营养和空间而死亡,如果产的太少,则宿主会腐烂而杀死黄蜂幼虫。 黄蜂根据宿主的size来产卵,而A中宿主的size可以由黄蜂的产卵活动决定, 不是把因果关系说反了吗?

3.Car telephones have become increasingly popular because they permit people to make or receive business calls while driving. As an additional benefit, motorists can quickly call for help in the event of an accident or breakdown. Nevertheless, car telephones should be prohibited because their use causes hazardous driving.

It can be concluded that from the statements above the author is comitted to the truth of which of the following statements?

B. The reason twhy the use of car telephones causes hazardous driving is that while dialing calls drivers cannot keep both hands on wheel.

C. The advantanges afforded by car telephones do not outweigh the risks of hazardous driving created by them.

D. In order to dial or receive telephones calls, drivers must momentarily take their eyes off the road, and this practice is hazardous

求问BD为什么不可以, BD也是说的手机导致的危险驾驶啊。。。

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发表于 2016-4-26 22:14:26 | 只看该作者


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 楼主| 发表于 2016-5-9 22:57:12 | 只看该作者
alzn2765 发表于 2016-4-26 22:14

 楼主| 发表于 2016-5-9 22:57:41 | 只看该作者
alzn2765 发表于 2016-4-26 22:14

发表于 2016-5-10 10:39:55 | 只看该作者
415lethe 发表于 2016-5-9 22:57

Here you are


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 楼主| 发表于 2016-5-10 19:02:00 | 只看该作者

many thanks~~
发表于 2016-5-11 15:07:27 | 只看该作者
1. In order to stop hair loss, a shampoo company plans to use Angelica sinensis, an eatable herb, as an important additive in its shampoo. Angelica sinensis can only be found at Yangshuo, a smal town in China, and the hair of residents in Yangshuo who use Angelica sinensis as shampoo is extremly healthy and black. Clearly, therefore, the product of shampoo with Angelica sinensis should be effective to stop hair loss

Which of the following is an assumption on which the argument depends?

A.Angelica sinensis will not be ineffective if synthesized with other ingredients in many shampoos.
B.If the residents in Yangshuo leave to other cities, many of them will suffer hair loss.
C.Some of the shampoo company's consumers do not suffer from hair loss.
D.Even if the shampoo company adds Angelica sinensis to its product, the sales of shampoo will remain stable or even decrease slightly because of its poor band image.
E.It can be estimated that in the year after the company adds Angelica sinensis, there would not be a greater variety of shampoos on the market than there was during the previous year.

题型是因果 AS 能引起头发健康
assumption的连个作用补充gap或guard against potential weakness
这种题型里面考的是第二种,需要用negation test去判断
B 取非 如果这些居民去到别的地方而头发依然乌黑亮丽,那就证明不是AS有效而是他们自身头发好 从而结论中加入AS能防止脱发的结论不成立。
发表于 2016-5-11 15:16:42 | 只看该作者
2.Parasitic wasps lay their eggs directly into the eggs of various host insects in exactly the right numbers for any suitable size of host egg. If they laid too many eggs in a  host egg, the developing wasp larvae would compete with each other to the death for nurtrients and space. If too few eggs were laid, portions of the host egg would decay, killing wasp's larvae.

Which of the following conclusions can properly be drawn from the information above?
A. The size of the smallest host egg that a wasp could theoretically parasitize can be determined from the wasp's egg-laying behaviour.
B. Host insects lack any effective defenses against the form of predation practiced by parasitic wasps.
C. Parasitic wasps learn from experience how many eggs to lay into the eggs of different host species.
D. Failure to lay enough eggs would lead to the death of the developing wasp larvae more quickly than laying too many eggs would.
E. Parasitic wasps use visual clues to calculate the size of a host egg.

你把这种题想得太复杂了,其实你连逻辑链都不用写。就看文章最多提到的东西和选项中提到的东西是否符合。最经常出现的错误选项是偷换概念,例如你纠结的C里面是host insects not host species,什么death of developing, 什么visual clues 全部都不可以被inference出来的。Inference的题目就是把文章中一直提一直提的东西搞清楚 然后poe就可以了
发表于 2016-5-11 15:24:33 | 只看该作者
3.Car telephones have become increasingly popular because they permit people to make or receive business calls while driving. As an additional benefit, motorists can quickly call for help in the event of an accident or breakdown. Nevertheless, car telephones should be prohibited because their use causes hazardous driving.

It can be concluded that from the statements above the author is committed to the truth of which of the following statements? (问就是assumption)

B. The reason why the use of car telephones causes hazardous driving is that while dialing calls drivers cannot keep both hands on wheel. (看到开头几个词就可以否定了,作者conclusion并没有否定用car telephone,你会纠结这个选项估计是被前面的premises迷惑了)
C. The advantages afforded by car telephones do not outweigh the risks of hazardous driving created by them. (重复了结论中比较的两方,把逻辑上的gap连起来了)
D. In order to dial or receive telephones calls, drivers must momentarily take their eyes off the road, and this practice is hazardous (assumption的题怎么还会给出in order to呢,这就成为目的而不是assumption了)

我觉得逻辑还是两点,把结论搞透了把题目问的东西搞透了 不然别往下看
 楼主| 发表于 2016-5-11 21:55:22 | 只看该作者
ashleesun 发表于 2016-5-11 15:07
1. In order to stop hair loss, a shampoo company plans to use Angelica sinensis, an eatable herb, as ...

可是 题目中不是通过用AS洗头的人头发都很健康 推导出 加了AS的【洗发水】对头发好 gap不应该是 as单独用有效 可是在洗发露中是否仍然有效吗? 因此考虑A
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