In Kravonia, the average salary for jobs requiring a college degree has always been higher than the average salary for jobs that do not require a degree. Over the last few years, the number of Kravonians enrolled in college has been growing steadily. Therefore, the number of Kravonians entering the job market who have at least the qualification of a college degree will eventually be significantly higher than it has been over the last few years.
Which of the following, if true, most seriously weakens the argument?
In Kravonia, the average salary for jobs requiring a college degree has always been higher than the average salary for jobs that do not require a degree. Over the last few years, the number of Kravonians enrolled in college has been growing steadily. Therefore, the number of Kravonians entering the job market who have at least the qualification of a college degree will eventually be significantly higher than it has been over the last few years.
Which of the following, if true, most seriously weakens the argument?
A. Kravonians with more than one college degree earn little more, on average, than do Kravonians with only one college degree.
B. The average number of years Kravonian college students remain enrolled before completing a degree has been increasing over the past several years.
C. Despite the increase in the number of Kravonians attending college, the percentage of the population attending college is lower in Kravonia than in most other countries.
D. In recent years, employers have been requiring college degrees for workers in jobs that were previously performed successfully by Kravonians who did not have college degrees.
E. For many years, employers in Kravonia have had difficulty finding enough college graduates to fill the high-paying jobs that were available.
the answer is B.
the problem with this argument is that it takes the observation that "the number of Kravonians [size=14.0084px]enrolled in college has been growing steadily", and takes that observation to mean that the number of [size=14.0084px]graduates is going to increase in proportion.
choice (b) attacks this connection -- if students are taking longer to graduate from college, then the increased enrollment doesn't necessarily mean that there will be any more graduates! it's just a symptom of the fact that students are staying in school for longer.
for instance, if students take 4 years to graduate from college and college graduates 1000 students per year, then (not counting dropouts) that college's enrollment will be approximately 4000 students.
if students begin to take five years to graduate from college, then that same college will begin to have an enrollment of 5000 students -- even if it graduates the same number (1000) of students per year.
我们的问题是:Ron, I am still a bit confused.
The argument says "will eventually be significant higher" and doesn't give a timeline. So even the students delay their graduations, they will "eventually" graduate(no evidence in the passage supports they will drop out). Therefore, B won't weaken the argument. What did I assume here?
首先你一定要了解这个“ the number of Kravonians entering the job market”的比较是按每年(或者一个时间段)来算的,不然从总的来说肯定在增加(第一年enter的+第二年enter+第三年enter的)
然后这个作者的推断是因为“ the number of Kravonians enrolled in college”(就是注册在校人数)是在持续增长的,所以每年进入就业市场的就增加。这里就有一个问题。这个注册在校人数增加并不意味着每年招收的人在增加。一个学校可能今年招收1000人,因为有大一至大四,所以在校注册人数有4000人,每年输出劳动市场的还是大四的那1000人。但注意B选项,如果就读时间延长了,还是这所学校,它今年还是招收1000人,但是因为有大一至大五,所以在校注册人数有5000人,但每年输出劳动市场的是大五的那1000人,进入劳动市场的大学学历人数并没有变。所以进入劳动市场的人数并没有be significant higher,在这个例子中其实是不变的。即使有eventually也没有什么卵用。