Twoyears ago, the government of Runagia increased by 20 percent thegovernment-provided pensions paid to Runagians over 65. The aim of the increase was to stimulate theeconomy in the rural regions of the country, where most pension recipientslive. Statistics, however, show thatthere has been no increase in economic activity in those regions since then,but that there has been noticeably more spending in the urban areas. Whichof the following, if true, most helps to explain why the increase resulted inthe unintended state of affairs described?
A.Until the pensions were increased, many Runagians over 65 in rural regions hadbeen receiving support from their children who live in urban areas.
B.The pensions were increased when the number of people below the poverty levelin rural areas of Runagia reached an all-time high.
C.City-dwellers in Runagia rarely travel to rural regions of the country.
D.The Runagian postal system is so inefficient that it can take up to three weeksfor pension checks to reach recipients in rural areas.
E.On average, the pensions were higher in rural than in urban areas before theincrease.
[size=13.3333px]最后答案是A,这个我同意。[size=13.3333px]农村里的老人一直有城市里工作的子女补贴,如果养老金增加了,那么子女需要补贴的就少了,那么子女多出来的收入就可以在城市消费。 [size=13.3333px]但是我觉得B也可行啊。因为这段时间农村的贫困率特别高》》虽然养老金增多了,但由于农村的消费水平受贫困影响》》农村的整体消费不变。 [size=13.3333px]而城市由于养老金的增加,消费增多。不是也可以解释吗??是不是因为只有一小部分老人住在城市,所以不能解释[size=13.3333px]noticeably more spending in the urban areas呢?