If there are more than two numbers in a certain list, is each of the numbers in the list equal to 0 ?
(1) The product of any two numbers in the list is equal to 0.
(2) The sum of any two numbers in the list is equal to 0.
我没有看懂问题什么叫做each of the numbers in the list equal to 0?
不是寂静的题,是prep2012 的题。谢谢啦
(1) The product of any two numbers in the list is equal to 0.
The list could be ... 0,0,1,0,0 ... not sufficient
(2) The sum of any two numbers in the list is equal to 0.
Since there are more than two numbers in a this list, if the sum is 0, it must be that all the numbers in the list are 0 - So it is sufficient by itself.