The general density dependence model can be applied to explain the founding ofspecialist firms (those attempting to serve a narrow target market). Accordingto this model, specialist foundings hinge on the interplay between legitimationand competitive forces, both of which are functions of the density (totalnumber) of firms in a particular specialist population. Legitimation occurs as a new type of firmmoves from being viewed as unfamiliar to being viewed as a natural way toorganize. At low density levels, each founding increases legitimation, reducing barriers to entryand easing subsequent foundings. Competition occurs because the resources thatfirms seek--customers, suppliers, and employees--are limited, but as long asdensity is low relative to plentiful resources, the addition of another firmhas a negligible impact on the intensity of competition. At high density levels,however, competitive effects outweigh legitimation effects, discouragingfoundings. The more numerous the competitors, the fiercer the competition willbe and the smaller will be the incentive for new firms to enter the field.
While several studies have found asignificant correspondence between the density dependence model and actualpatterns of foundings, other studies have found patterns not consistent withthe model. Apossible explanation for this inconsistency is that legitimation andcompetitive forces transcend national boundaries, while studies typicallyrestrict their analysis to the national level. Thus a national-level analysiscan understate the true legitimation and competitive forces as well as thenumber of foundings in an industry that is internationally integrated. Manyindustries are or are becoming international, and since media and informationeasily cross national borders, so should legitimation and its effects onoverseas foundings. For example, if a type of firm becomes established in theUnited States, that information transcends borders, reduces uncertainties, andhelps foundings of that type of firm in other countries. Even within nationalcontexts, studies have found more support for the density dependence model whenthey employ broader geographic units of analysis--for example, finding that themodel's operation is seen more clearly at the state and national levels than atcity levels.
DD model 应用于 specialist firm,研究s firm的密度与leg和Competitive force之间的关系。
DD model <—> actual pattern
Some +,some-
According to the passage, which of the following may account for theinconsistency between the general density dependence model and the evidenceprovided by certain studies of foundings?
发现是一道细节题,而且有According to the passage,就属于stated类型的题目,不需要大家自己推理,回归原文找答案。
题目问的是DD模型和evidence provided by certain studies of foundings之间的关系,那就是第二段了,而且问的还是inconsistent,所以找第二段,第二段的第二句开始就是讲了inconsistent的原因:
A possible explanationfor this inconsistency is that legitimation and competitive forces transcendnational boundaries, while studies typically restrict their analysis to thenational level. Thus a national-level analysis can understate the truelegitimation and competitive forces as well as the number of foundings in anindustry that is internationally integrated. Many industries are or arebecoming international, and since media and information easily cross nationalborders, so should legitimation and its effects on overseas foundings.
• A. Such studies haveoveremphasized the impact of preexisting firms on the establishment of newfirms.
• B. Such studies havenot focused strongly enough on the role of competition among newly establishedfirms operating at the city and state levels.
• C. Such studies failto differentiate among specialist firms with regard to the degree to which theydeviate from familiar forms of organization.
• D. Such studies havenot taken into account the fact that many industries are internationallyintegrated.
• E. Such studies haveneglected to investigate firms that attempt to serve only a narrow targetmarket.
In the second paragraph, the author is primarilyconcerned with
DD model <—> actual pattern
Some +,some-
• A noting various exceptions to a certain generalfinding【特例】
• B examining theimpact of one type ofindustry on another
• Cproposing a possible explanation for an inconsistency
• D providing specificexamples of a particular phenomenon
• E defending thevalidity of a particular study's conclusions
也不要读的太细,读的太细太费脑,just scan it!
大概看一下,第二段先explain了inconsistency了一下,后面又for Example举了一个例子,是关于这个explain的,然后就没了,这时候我们发现文章第二段后面的细节都是在讲inconsistency的,这样我们再看答案的时候就好选了。
The passage suggests that when a population of specialistfirms reaches a high density level, which of the following is likely to occur?
问到的是highdensity level时候的情况,看完了笔记我们发现是说密度的,就在第一段里面找。
我们发现显示讲了at lowdensity level的情况,后来有讲了at highdensity level的情况,那么定位就很容易了
At high density levels, however, competitive effectsoutweigh legitimation effects, discouraging foundings. The more numerous thecompetitors, the fiercer the competition will be and the smaller will be theincentive for new firms to enter the field.
• AFoundings will decline despite legitimation that hasoccurred in these industries.
• B Increasingcompetition will encourage many firms to broaden their target market.【原文无关】
• C Competition forresources will become stabilized and thus foundings will be encouraged.【原文相反】
• D Many customerswill abandon their loyalty to older firms as more innovative firms enter the market.【原文相反】
• E Firms will begin to cross national bordersin an attempt to gain a competitive advantage.【原文无关】
The primary purpose ofthe passage is to:
**DD model 应用于 specialist firm,研究s firm的密度与leg和Competitiveforce之间的关系。
**DD model <—> actual pattern
Some +,some-
• A question thevalidity of an economic model
• B point out someinconsistencies within an economic model
• C outline aneconomic model and suggest revisions to it
• D describe aneconomic model and provide specific examples to illustrate its use
• Eexplain why aneconomic model remains valid despite inconsistent research results
A中的question的态度不对,B说的是第二段的内容,而且也不是some inconsistencies,C的revision不对,D中 illustrate its use不对,答案选E
其实这道题也是只看笔记是做不出来的,第一段都能看出来是在介绍一个模型,但是仅靠第二段开头我们是不知道第二段到底是在说什么的,通过浏览第二段内容我们要搞清楚作者对提出来的支持和反对有没有态度在里面,作者是支持还是反对,第二段的细节部分全是在解释inconsistent,举例也是inconsistent,但是作者其实是不支持这种inconsistent的,是通过解释这个inconsistent来支持这个DD model的。读出来作者的态度这道题就比较好排除了。