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发表于 2003-8-20 11:17:00 | 显示全部楼层


还有就是逻辑,现在文章是越来越长,有时觉得很难把握住到底哪才是出题点,哪是没多大关系的叙述,不知你是如何解决的,也是通过提高阅读速度吗?而且文章一旦太长active reading这方法就不好实施.这几天做题CR的时候,我发现有一个section,我根本没怎么去多想,就一下就把答案给选了出来,完全靠的是一种感觉,看上去我就认为哪对哪错,非常清楚,效果也非常好,20个题只错了一个.做另外两个section的时候我加入颇多的analysis,按照各种技巧应对题目,可是却发现不仅时间不够,而且正确率也大大下降!请问到最后考试应该培养的是哪一种,因为我觉得感觉那东西不可靠,还是有明确的思路才是最重要的,对吗?就是你言及的active reading!
发表于 2003-8-20 11:26:00 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2003-8-20 13:39:00 | 显示全部楼层
Ya, thanks..I posted my stuff only at CD and you will be able to find it all here.

As you asked about the approach to tackle GMAT, particularly CR, I would say it is not one-approach-fits-all. Just as some people are very happy with taking notes while reading, other might find it unnecessary. So stick to the one that fits you best!

You are right! Sense is very important in CR, especially when the question is not hard. The sense can help you nail the problem in 30 seconds. However, everything is still built upon one basic thing: understanding.

Active reading is just one thing I learned from my own experience. I had about 3 weeks to prepare and I felt frustrated with RC at first. I did some practice but failed to improve. It occured to me that I cling too much to the words and details of the passage. I neglected the big picture, such as the conclusion (purpose) of the whole passage, how the author presented or proved the opinion(s), positive or negative, etc.

Active reading helped me as it lead me to see the big picture, instead of tiny parts of it. I understand what the whole paragraph is all about, I know the structure of the argument, I find the answers.

Same to CR. You still need to understand before you can apply your sense. It is good that you can use the sense. But sometimes it can fool you by making you believe that you can use your instinct to find the answer. And the truth might be that the answer just look familiar, and the worse is that you might not know why that is the right answer.

If you want score high in GMAT, 40% is luck, not 90% or 100%. So I recommend that you alway think and do the analysis. Always ask "why". As I replied the other post, it is where the key lies.

It is very general and might sound void. Allow yourself some time.

BTW, I think quantity does not matter as much as quality. Think hard over one question, you might be able to learn 10 times more than browing through 100 questions and remembering the answers.

Any specific question, let me know.
发表于 2003-8-20 13:53:00 | 显示全部楼层
Actually, during the test, you might find many questions straightforward and very easy to understand. I saw just a couple CR questions with tricky choices. The rest did not give me any problem. So It really depends on how well you can read and understand.
 楼主| 发表于 2003-8-24 09:39:00 | 显示全部楼层
我还想问一句,就是平时训练CR1min30s RC1min/1question SC1min20s,这个速度能达到机考的要求吗?如果想要verbal部分全部做完稍微有些时间富余,这个速度可以吗?先问这些了,有问题的一定会再请教你的!
发表于 2003-8-24 13:55:00 | 显示全部楼层
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