The ancient Nubians inhabited an area in which typhus occurs, yet surprisingly few of their skeletons show the usual evidence of this disease. The skeletons do show deposits of tetracycline, an antibiotic produced by a bacterium common in Nubian soil. This bacterium can flourish on the dried grain used for making two staples of the Nubian diet, beer and bread. Thus, tetracycline in their food probably explains the low incidence of typhus among ancient Nubians.
Which of the following is an assumption on which the argument relies?
语法有including的题。另外就只记得最后一题了,大致是:If shivering your legs while walking into the water, 某动物 will quickly find their way out. 词句可能不对啊,大致就是抖抖腿,某鱼就散开了之类的~?前半句划线。然后几乎所有答案里都有while的。也有by shivering 开头的之类的。。