忽略他因感觉一项觉得不太好写,不如归到充分性攻击,先说:the author assumes that A is sufficient to give birth to B(A就是作者唯一关注的原因),however, possibility is left open that B is due to a complex of factors. A more detailed analysis might reveal that other factors far outweigh the one on which the author has focused.(说明作者忽略了他因)。For instance C and D,some of which will give birth to A even without B.(说出他因) As has been noted, mere B might have no stimulating impact on C1(某种种间结论)and, in turns, C2(A, 作者的最终结论)
必要性攻击除非时间多,一般没用。时间多的话在充分性批驳结束后补一枪:On the other hand, the author's recommendation rests on the assumption that B soley determines A. This assumption overlooks other criteria in determining A, some of which will remain unchange in the future.If this is ideed the case, it wqould be sheer folly to conclude that A is determined solely by B.