看到很多xdjm讨论这题,我也从中受益匪浅,我把自己总结在文档中的放在这里,算是一个小总结,希望对后来的tz们有帮助:)也请多多指教 Q4:
According to the passage, Frazier and Mosteller believe which of the following about medical research?
A. It is seriously flawed as presently conducted because researchers overlook facts that are relevant to the subject of their research.
B. It tends to benefit certain subgroups of patients disproportionately.
认为B正确的人说:第二段强调应该选取更多的人当sample,因为如果只选取特定的人群而又将特殊当普遍A treatment judged successful under these ideal conditions can then be evaluated under normal conditions. 那么只有符合被选人群特点的患者接受了successful treamtment!
C. It routinely reveals new variables in research on entirely new treatments.
D. It can be made more accurate by limiting the amount of information researchers collect.
E. It cannot be freed of the risk that significant variables may be overlooked.
反对E的人说:e中,如果significant variable 存在,那么risk不能用small形容了吧,我觉得这个选项就是针对文中Frazier and Mosteller contend that such risk, never entirely eliminable from research, would still be small in most studies.
而支持E的人说,这里选项中的significant variables是被包含在factors中的。
Although limiting information collection could increase the risk that researchers will overlook facts relevant to a study, Frazier and Mosteller contend that such risk, never entirely eliminable from research, would still be small in most studies.