Lyme disease is caused by a bacterium transmitted to humans by deer ticks. Generally, deer ticks pick up the bacterium while in the larval stage by feeding on infected white-footed mice. However, certain other species on which the larvae feed do not harbor the bacterium. If the population of these other species were increased, more of the larvae would be feeding on uninfected hosts, so the number of ticks acquiring the bacterium would likely decline.
Which of the following would it be most important to ascertain in evaluating the argument?
选文是from a business plan of the Take Heart Center (类似的名字), 说这个健身中心在去年夏天新开了游泳池之后,来健身中心的member人数上升了12%,所以呢,就开始说啦,我们要发扬光大,继往开来,我们打算在subsequent years建其他的一些设施,比如多功能游戏室啊,网球场啊,高尔夫球场啊之类。这样可以增加member数,来增加收入(靠membership fee赚钱来的嘛)。还说这一片啊,就我们提供这个服务,非常有竞争优势的哦。非常典型,很好写。
1. 有一个图表题,讲El Nido的天气情况,有storm(包括热带与亚热带), hurricane, major hurricane之类,图表里是不同的年份里各种天气的数量以及强度(weak; weak-to-moderate; moderate; moderate-to-strong; strong; very strong)。题目问三种强度下(~weak, moderate, very strong),分别的mojor hurricane的数量占该强度下总的storm(包括热带与亚热带)是否有超过20%。
2. 又一个图表题,讲不同的柴火在green的时候的density,dry的时候的density,之后每单位燃烧释放的热量,是否容易split,以及总体评分。认真看看图标,题目也都很容易。
3. 有一个column chart题,是讲一个公寓mix一共三栋楼,分别有多少个单间、二人间和三人间,说每个房间的maximum capacity是比bedroom的数要多一(i.e. 单间能住俩,二人间能住仨,三人间能住四),问这三栋楼一共最多能住多少人,还问如果都是maximum occupied的情况,三栋楼哪栋楼三人间住的人占住在那栋楼总人数的比重最高。
shadowxc 发表于 2013-7-17 04:13
Lyme disease is caused by a bacterium transmitted to humans by deer ...
Yea, it was this one! Question was asking which statement provides the strongest support. Apparently I picked something like "deer stick is feeding on only one host (or only once) while in larval stage"