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生活不可能像你想象得那么好,但也不会像你想象得那么糟。我觉得人的脆弱和坚强都超乎自己的想象。有时,我可能脆弱得一句话就泪流满面,有时,也发现自己咬着牙走了很长的路。 ——莫泊桑 单以这样的一句话作为开头,看高木直子的《一个人住第五年》的时候还在国内,那时觉得那样的生活根本不可能发生在我身上,连吃饭都要人陪着的我无法忍受一个人吃饭的感觉。所以后来,有很长的一段时间里我都没能适应一个人吃饭,一个人旅行,现在想想其实也没什么,这个世界运转速度那么快,没有人会在意你是不是一个人。以至于后来一个朋友问我是不是也得了社交恐惧症,我笑笑,其实不是,只是自己慢慢地变得懒了,懒得去经营一份感情,至于朋友,有那么几个就足够了,有些人天天在一起,也不见得是朋友。 好像这样久了,倒是会忘记开始遇到的困难,渐渐地变成自己生活的旁观者,看着生活平静地流淌。都说人是慢慢成长的,其实不是,人是瞬间长大的,就像是突然间沉淀一般,突然不会谈恋爱了或者说不想谈恋爱了,一个人生活单一却也不会觉得无聊,即便很多时候还是会迷茫却也不会觉得烦躁了。 去年的今天我在不一样的城市,背着不一样的书包,留着不一样的发型,走着不一样的路,想着不一样的事情,有着不一样的心思。谁说改变需要十年呢。 身边的牛人倒是不少,像是神抵一样的存在,我也只是羡慕想着反正自己也不会变成那样的人,直到有一天一个学长跟我聊起来,才知道原来他也有看不进去书的时候也有写论文写到想撞墙的时候,我们都忘了他们是用怎么样的一个代价才换取来了这样的一个人生。他说,如果你想要去实现梦想,孤独是你的必修课。如果不能沉下心来,就没有办法去实现它,因为那绝对不是一件容易的事情,孤独能让你更坚强,你必须找到自己的生活节奏。 有一个朋友喜欢每天喝一点酒,看一部电影然后准时睡觉;住在旁边的英国人神出鬼没有的时候早上才睡有的时候天刚黑就睡了;隔壁楼的一个男生每天天不亮就起来跑步,往往那个时候我才刚打算睡。 最近迷上一个人到处走,算不上旅行只是周围的城市走一遭,倒也不会花上太多时间准备,提起包就走了。我不会带上相机只是有兴致了拿出手机拍一拍,音乐倒是我走到哪里都不能丢的东西,只有音乐,能让看似漫长的等待变成曼妙的旅程,似乎自己跟整个世界都没有关系,只想当一片没有名字的云,徜徉在不知道名字的风景里。 我们都会找到自己的生活节奏,然后沉溺其中无法自拔。 很长一段时间里我都没有去书店,觉得那种“每个星期读一本书”对于我来讲是太遥远的东西。直到有一天我陪朋友去书店,他是一个买书就不会停的人,我也就跟着买了几本。回到家里看微博人人又觉得心里空拉拉的,索性就拿起书来看,也是在那一天我才发现,其实每个星期看一本书没那么难,那天我一下子把书看完,才觉得这样子的生活是充实的。 要么读书,要么旅行,身体和灵魂,必须有一个在路上。 我告诉自己现实容不得你拖延,拖延只会让我变得更焦虑而已,所以刚开始的时候我规定自己每天提早上床半小时,看上几十页书,很快就变成习惯了。有的时候我不得不感叹如果真的去做一件事情的话,那么这件事情没有那么难。当你真的想要做一件事情的时候,整个世界都会来协助你,就是这种感觉。 一个骑过川藏线的朋友说,只要出发,就能到达,你不出发,就哪里也去不了。如果你不能沉下心来,就什么也做不到。出发永远是最有意义的事,去做就是了。一本书买了不看只是几张纸,公开课下了不看也只是一堆数据,不去看就没有任何意义,反而徒增焦虑,行动力才是最关键的。 你也许也是这样,当你渴望找个人交谈的时候,你们却没有谈什么.于是发现有些事情是不能告诉别人的,有些事情是不必告诉别人的,有些事情是根本没有办法告诉别人的,而有些事情即使告诉了别人,你也会马上后悔。那么最好的办法就是静下来,真正能平静自己的只有自己。 没有人能免得了孤独,与其逃避它不如面对它。孤独并不是一件那么糟糕的事情,与嘈杂相比,一个人生活倒显得自得地多,倒也可以变成一种享受。或许至少需要那么一段时间,几年或几个月,一个人生活,不然怎么能找到自己的节奏知道自己想要什么。这是属于你自己的东西,是你的一部分,你听音乐时,坐地铁时,一个人走在马路上时,它就会流淌出来,让我觉得这个世界似乎在以另外一种形式存在着,我能够清晰地听到自己。 我们都生活在一个不那么如意的世界,当乌云密布我们就摇曳,但阳光总有一天会到来,等阳光照到你的时候,记得开出自己的花就行了,那个你与生俱来的梦想。有的时候梦想很远,有的时候梦想很近,但它总会实现的。我想一个人最好的样子就是平静一点,哪怕一个人生活,穿越一个又一个城市,走过一个又一条街道,仰望一片又一片天空,见证一次又一次别离。即便世界与我为敌,只要心还透明,就能折射希望。
转自心经贴某750NN的附件 很喜欢 就放上来了
黄色背景为正确答案 红色是我做错的地方。。 红色绿色标出的部分是偶在读题时候得分析。。 T,,T 泪流满面一下。。。
3. Because of the recent recession in Country A mostmagazines published there have experienced decreases in advertising revenue, so much so that the survivalof themost widely read magazines isin grave doubt. At the same time, however, more people in Country A are reading more magazines thanever before, and the numberof financiallysuccessful magazines in Country A is greater than ever. Which one of the following, if true, most helps toresole the apparent discrepancy in the information above? (C) Advertising is the main source of revenue onlyfor the most widely read magazines; other magazines rely on circulation for their revenue. (D)Because of the recession, people in Country A have cut back on magazinesubscriptions and are reading borrowed magazines. 这道题我标出来了我认为是矛盾点的地方。。 当时读完题 偶是这么想的 矛盾点在于revenue与number 然后我的定向就是number是假象 因为 1、如果我number上升 我most widely readmagazines的number也会上升 那么矛盾就出现在了revenue 与number之间 2、而且感觉C的other不是很好 因为other不一定就涵盖了哪些financially successful magazines T.T Questions 5-6 Sales manager: Last year the total number of meals sold in our companyrestaurants was much higherthan it was the year before. Obviously consumers find our meals desirable. Accountant: If you look at individual restaurants, however, you find that the number of meals soldactually decreasedsubstantially at every one of our restaurants that was in operation both lastyear and the year before. The desirability of our meals to consumers hasclearly decreased, given that this group of restaurants---the only ones forwhich we have sales figures that permit a comparison between last year and theyear before---demonstrates a trend toward fewer sales. 6. Which one ofthe following, if true, most seriously calls into question the accountant’s argument? (A)The company’s restaurants last year dropped from their menus most of the newdishes that had been introduced the year before. (E) Most ofthe company’s restaurants that were in operation throughout both last year andthe year before are located in areas where residents experienced a severeoveralldecline in income last year. 这道题再次果断选错了T.T E感觉是无关啊啊啊啊。。。跟收入有什么关系啊。。。 我的思路是 总体的多了平均的少了 说明除数→ 也就是饭馆的数量多了啊。。。 当时觉得A很明显T,T 结果错了。。 10. In order to pressure the government of Country Sto become less repressive, some legislators in Country R want to ban allexports from R to S. Companies in R that manufacture telecommunicationequipment such as telephones and fax machines have argued that exports of theirproducts should be exempted from the ban, on the ground that it is impossiblefor a country to remain repressive when telecommunication equipment is widelyavailable to the population of that country. Which one of thefollowing is an assumption on which the argument given by the manufacturersdepends? (B) Thetelecommunication equipment that would be imported into S if the exemption wereto be granted would not be available solely to top development officials in S. (D) Of all exports that could be sent toCountry S, telecommunicationequipment would be the most effective in helpingcitizens of S oppose that country’s repressive government. 这道题其实是忧郁了一下 不知道排除哪一个。。。 就选了个有相似词语的、、、 14. If the government increases its funding for civilian scientificresearch, private patrons and industries will believe that such research hasbecome primarily the government’s responsibility. When they believe thatresearch is no longer primarily their responsibility, private patrons andindustries will decrease their contributions toward research. Therefore, in order to keepfrom depressing the overall level of funding for civilian scientific research,the government should not increase its own funding. Which one of thefollowing is an assumption on which the argument relies? (B) Any increase ingovernment funding would displace more private funding for civilian scientificresearch than it would provide. (D) Civilian scientific research cannot beconducted efficiently with more than one source of funding. 也是犹豫了一下不知道选BD的哪一个。。感觉D是迷惑选项的一种形式。。。T.T 然后我中招了 是不是吖。。。。这道题我能感觉到D不对的地方,,但是说不出来。。 15. Dental researcher: Filling a cavity in a tooth is not a harmless procedure: itinevitably damages some of the healthy parts of the tooth. Cavities are harmfulonly if the decay reaches the nerves inside the tooth, and many cavities, ifleft untreated, never progress to that point. Therefore, dentists should notfill a cavity unless the nerves inside the tooth are in imminent danger fromthat cavity. Which one of thefollowing principles, if valid, most strongly supports the researcher’sreasoning? (C) Acondition that is only potentially harmful should not be treated using a methodthat is definitelyharmful. (D)A condition that is typically progressive should not be treated using methodsthat provide only temporary relief. 啊啊啊 绿色标出来的部分T.T 我觉得C绝对不行啊。 一个是不完全无害 一个是绝对有害。。这怎么能对呢。。。T,T |