背景是国内top 5的CS本科,美国一般学校的cs master,在纽约投行IT3年,2011年初被裁员。1个月后又找了个IT公司。半年后不想做IT所以辞职了。基本上是家里蹲申请finance方向。essay没怎么改,自己觉得不算好不算坏。我自己分析弱点如下:1.被裁员过 2.现在没有在工作 3.master第一年成绩很烂,挂了一门,不过从第二年都是A了,本科成绩也很好,X'th out of 130+.
Sorry to hear that dude! Now it's really hard to say why you didn't get in without looking at your entire application (which BTW I suggest you let us do! We have a great Ding Analysis package, where we can run your packages through the works and come up with an a analysis of what went wrong and what can be improved). Now not having a job is a problem. But you CAN overcome it. We've had TONS of clients with no jobs get accepted. In your case without seeing your essays I wonder if you didn't make have some problem with your GOALS. Because going from finance to IT and then quitting... It's REALLY important that your goals are crystal clear and make sense. But I'm just shooting int he dark here.... like I wrote this kind of analysis needs DEEP and PERSONAL care....