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Q51, V35, 720. 一战,没太多时间看,跟裸考差不多,但也不准备再考了,凑合用. 数学的答案应该还靠谱.语文没有保证
AI: Ppl should be paid according to the beneficial of their profession to society AA: Fitness center - Survey indicates customers are more interested in eating healthy. One way of eating healthy is to eat organic food. Then the author claims that the customers are ready for an organic grocery store which did not exist before. The suggest that the fitness center should open 3 organic grocery store at each of its current gym location. Then claims that the profits of the gym should increase compared to previous year.
Math, 写几个比较tricky的吧 刚看到有人说到120个professor那道题, 应该选28. PS: 120 professors, 1/3 teach 4h per day, 1/4 5h, 2/5 10h, the rest 12h. If teach + research = 35h, how long ave. research?
PS: argest prime divider of 24^4+2^8, 具体的多少次方记不清了,但答案应该选41
DS: x1*w1=y1*z1, x2*w2=y2*z2, x2>x1, 问是否y2>y1 (1) w2>w1 (2) y1=y2 选了E, 但没仔细论证
DS: 1/2x + 1/3y +1/4=? (1) 2x+3y+some number = some other number (2) 6x+4y+6=19 选B, the trick is (2) is a multiple + some number of the equation
其它的都不太难, 好好看题应该能做对
RC: 有JJ里的,但说实话帮助不是特别大,因为只知道个topic... 不知道具体细节 有一个讲二战妇女,某个女researcher 的观点, 讲media的那个 第一段:先讲二战中妇女地位提升,但战后没有更大影响,提出问题,跟着给了可能的回答 (有题目问Structure) 第二段: 讲此女researcher的研究,对比了二战前后媒体对妇女的形象塑造,举了两个journal, 有题回答是关于淡化了婚姻与事业的conflict 第三段记不清了
RC: 蚂蚁分工 有主旨题,有些tricky,问此人,好像又是个女的,做关于蚂蚁分工的research是为了什么.好像选了C或者D 第三段有题,以下哪个最能support第三段的hypothesis (hypothesis就是第一句话,说可能分工对蚂蚁来说不那么重要),选E (有些蚂蚁小时候干些活,长大了就不干了)
RC: 手工艺和家族生意的 (在JJ里) 很长,4题,有一个问题是以下哪个说明某人的某个观点(第二段结尾),这人说family business 1840年以前就减少了,我选了19世纪初有人请新移民而非家族人 最后一段有题,问某两个人都会同意以下哪种,选了家族生意和commercial worldview incompatible
SC: 一上来第一题就考了hinge about 还是hinge on SC: 有考破折号,之后是整句还是非整句,也有不用破折号的,偶选了没用破折号的,不知道对否 没怎么考平行
马上2nd Round就截至了,申请还在准备,要赶在deadline前交,非常仓促,借宝地许个愿,希望申请的两所牛校都给我offer! 谢谢chasedream及此地的xdjm! |