In 1960's studies of rats, scientists found that crowding increases the number of attacks among the animals significantly. But in recent experiments in which rhesus monkeys were placed in crowded conditions, although there was an increase in instances of "coping" behavior-such as submissive gestures and avoidance of dominant individuals-attacks did not become any more frequent. Therefore it is not likely that, for any species of monkey, crowding increases aggression as significantly as was seen in rats.
Which of the following, if true, most strengthens the argument?
7. GWD28-Q7: In 1960’s studies of rats, scientists found that crowding increases the number of attacks among the animals significantly. But in recent experiments in which rhesus monkeys were placed in crowded conditions, although there was an increase in instances of “coping” behavior—such as submissive gestures and avoidance of dominant individuals—attacks did not become any more frequent. Therefore it is not likely that, for any species of monkey, crowding increases aggression as significantly as was seen in rats. Which of the following, if true, most strengthens the argument? A. All the observed forms of coping behavior can be found among rhesus monkeys living in uncrowded conditions. B. In the studies of rats, nondominant individuals were found to increasingly avoid dominant individuals when the animals were in crowded conditions. C. Rhesus monkeys respond with aggression to a wider range of stimuli than any other monkeys do. D. Some individual monkeys in the experiment were involved in significantly more attacks than the other monkeys were. E. Some of the coping behavior displayed by rhesus monkeys is similar to behavior rhesus monkeys use to bring to an end an attack that has begun.
题目中问的是, Therefore, it is not likely that, for any species of monkey, crowding increases aggression as significantly as was seen in rats. 对any 取否,not any 不是说,所有的猴子都不会像老鼠一样表现出强烈的攻击性,而是说,并非所有的猴子都会表现出攻击性,因此,我不需要证明除了Rhesus monkey之外的其他猴子怎么样,我只要知道Rhesus monkey这一种猴子不会表现出攻击性,就可以了呀?
亲爱滴,support 题目最好是不要拿来当assumption 题型做啊。。。support 的条件宽松些,但是assumption就比较苛刻了。另外A 中,你把它否定依然不能削弱conclusion。在uncrowded的时候没有copying behaviour,即只有在crowd 的时候才有 copying behaviour,题目中说了although there was an increase in instances of “coping” behavior,attacks did not become any more frequent,说明判断是否 跟rats 比agression的标准是attacks,你把A否定了依然是在重复叙述题干,对conclusion没有削弱作用。
C, 原文证明过程中只涉及Rhesus monkeys ,但是在结论中却说any species of monkey,那么Rhesus monkeys 一定要具有代表性,能够代表所有猴子,C说Rhesus monkeys 对刺激的反应比其他猴子都要激烈,那么既然对R猴子适用的attacks did not become any more frequent,对其他猴子也是适用的,因此选C可以加强。A根本就没有加强原文的含义啊
亲爱滴,support 题目最好是不要拿来当assumption 题型做啊。。。support 的条件宽松些,但是assumption就比较苛刻了。另外A 中,你把它否定依然不能削弱conclusion。在uncrowded的时候没有copying behaviour,即只有在crowd 的时候才有 copying behaviour,题目中说了although there was an increase in instances of “coping” behavior,attacks did not become any more frequent,说明判断是否 跟rats 比agression的标准是attacks,你把A否定了依然是在重复叙述题干,对conclusion没有削弱作用。