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Although the discount stores in Goreville's central shopping district are expected to close within five years as a result of competition from a SpendLess discount department store that just opened, those locations will not stay vacant for long. In the five years since the opening of Colson's, a nondiscount department store, a new store has opened at the location of every store in the shopping district that closed because it could not compete with Colson's.

Which of the following, if true, most seriously weakens the argument?

正确答案: B









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发表于 2010-5-26 10:21:38 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |正序浏览 |阅读模式
Although the discount stores in Goreville's central shopping district are expected to close within five years as a result of competition from a SpendLess discount department store that just opened, those locations will not stay vacant for long.In the five years since the opening of Colson's, a nondiscount department store, a new store has opened at the location of every store in the shopping district that closed because it could not compete with Colson's.

Which of the following, if true, most seriously weakens the argument?

a)Many customers of Colson's are expected to do less shopping there than they did before the SpendLess store opened.

b)Increasingly, the stores that have opened in the central shopping district since Colson's opened have been discount stores.

c)At present, the central shopping district has as many stores operating in it as it ever had.

d)Over the course of the next five years, it is expected that Goreville's population will grow at a faster rate than it has for the past several decades.

e)Many stores in the central shopping district sell types of merchandise that are not available at either SpendLess or Colson's.

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发表于 2012-4-24 15:08:07 | 只看该作者
发表于 2011-5-2 11:48:54 | 只看该作者

题干推理链:之前商店C开业,挤掉一批,但没有太久vacant,开了别的店;现在S开业,也会挤掉一批,类比C状况的话,也不会太久vacant。本题要解决最终vacant是不是会stay for long

发表于 2010-12-26 22:26:50 | 只看该作者

发表于 2010-12-23 15:56:13 | 只看该作者
Premises: In the five years since the opening of Colson’s, a nondiscount department store, a new store has opened at the location of every store in the shopping district that closed because it could not compete with Colson’s.
Conclusion: those locations will not stay vacant for long.
Department store are larger than the (small) stores, such as Wal-Mart
The premises argue the advantage that the new store is opened despite the failure of preexisting stores in competition with the department store. In this case it must follow the example that, although all the existing stores will be closed in five years, new stores will still be open thereafter. So, both scenarios will be the same.
However, the argument can be weaken by present a condition that is not the same for both case, that is, one scenario is more favorable to the other. How that might be?
The condition for premises illustrate the competition from the large department store with small stores, answer B says those new stores are discount store, therefore, although they are disadvantage in size, they have advantage in price, because the large department store is non-discount store.
However,, in the scenario the author argues, if there were new stores to be open thereafter, they would face the competition from the large department “discount store”, from which they would gain no advantage.
In conclusion, the competing scenarios and the incentives for the new store opening are different, therefore, the argument is weakened.
发表于 2010-12-23 15:35:07 | 只看该作者
Premises: In the five years since the opening of Colson’s, a nondiscount department store, a new store has opened at the location of every store in the shopping district that closed because it could not compete with Colson’s.

Conclusion: those locations will not stay vacant for long.

Department store are larger than the (small) stores, such as Wal-Mart

The premises argue the advantage that the new store is opened despite the failure of preexisting stores in competition with the department store. In this case it must follow the example that, although all the existing stores will be closed in five years, new stores will still be open thereafter. So, both scenarios will be the same.

However, the argument can be weaken by present a condition that is not the same for both case, that is, one scenario is more favorable to the other. How that might be?

The condition for premises illustrate the competition from the large department store with small stores, answer B says those new stores are discount store, therefore, although they are disadvantage in size, they have advantage in price, because the large department store is non-discount store.

However,, in the scenario the author argues, if there were new stores to be open thereafter, they would face the competition from the large department “discount store”, from which they would gain no advantage.

In conclusion, the competing scenarios and the incentives for the new store opening are different, therefore, the argument is weakened.
发表于 2010-8-15 16:24:13 | 只看该作者
有个逻辑要理顺:新开的DISCOUNT----被SPENDLESS DISCOUNT DPEARMENT打败;某店----被COLSON打败---新店开在某店原来的位置。

我不赞成jiangliu说的“大致的意思是: 后边那个premise说的是新开的nondiscount 店都打不过Colson's, 所以潜意识里也就是说要开新店,那只能是discount店。” 因为显然题目中没有任何意思说新开的都是NONDICOUNT店,也没有任何意思可以直接推导出任何新开的NONDICOUNT店都打不过COLSON'S。我认为jiangliu这个前提是自己的INFER,不能从题目中直接推导出。

再看B选项,其实强调的就是我这个意思,如果新开的店是DISCOUNT,那么会被另外一家DISCOUNT店(SPENDLESS DISCOUNT DEPARTMENT)打败,显然不是COLSON,所以不会有连续的新店占据腾出位置的现象出现。

发表于 2010-8-15 15:10:00 | 只看该作者

大致的意思是: 后边那个premise说的是新开的nondiscount 店都打不过Colson's, 所以潜意识里也就是说要开新店,那只能是discount店。

然后这个题的argument是:those locations will not stay vacant for long。 如果这个argument成立的话,也就是说会有大批 的discount店来填补这个vacant。

-- by 会员 jiangliu (2010/5/26 15:02:49)

jiangliu正解,以下是引用manhanttan review上的解释。
“See the argument basically says this:

5 yrs back a non-discount store opened which led to several stores shutting down (must be selling similar products as the argument says they couldn't compete with Colson). But a new store opened everytime an existing store shut down.

Based on this evidence the author concludes that the same trend will continue now, when Spendless has opened.

But option B gives you a reason why the new stores that opened 5 yrs back managed to survive (because they were discount stores as compared to Colsons which was a non-discount store); it's obvious the same reason will not apply in the current case since Spendless is itself a discount store so why will more new discount stores open if the existing ones are unable to compete with Spendless.”
发表于 2010-6-5 18:32:25 | 只看该作者
发表于 2010-6-2 23:22:10 | 只看该作者
前提有两个,1 Although the discount stores in Goreville's central shopping district are expected to close within five years as a result of competition from a SpendLess discount department store that just opened 虽然在G商业中心的折扣商店在预期的五年里会关闭因为S折扣商店开门营业了

2In the five years since the opening of Colson's, a nondiscount department store, a new store has opened at the location of every store in the shopping district that closed because it could not compete with Colson's 因为在这五年里面C非折扣商店的营业,那些新开的店会占据那些折扣商店关闭的店面位置
结论 those locations will not stay vacant for long 空着的位置不能空很久
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