In order to withstand tidal currents, juvenile horseshoe crabs frequently burrow in the sand. Such burrowing discourages barnacles from clinging to their shells. When fully grown, however, the crabs can readily withstand tidal currents without burrowing, and thus they acquire substantial populations of barnacles. Surprisingly, in areas where tidal currents are very weak, juvenile horseshoe crabs are found not to have significant barnacle populations, even though they seldom burrow.
Which of the following, if true, most helps to explain the surprising finding?
59. In order to withstand tidal currents, juvenile horseshoe crabs frequently burrow in the sand. Such burrowing discourages barnacles from clinging to their shells. When fully grown, however, the crabs can readily withstand tidal currents without burrowing, and thus they acquire substantial populations of barnacles. Surprisingly, in areas where tidal currents are very weak, juvenile horseshoe crabs are found not to have signi? cant barnacle populations, even though they seldom burrow. Which of the following, if true, most helps to explain the surprising ? nding? Tidal currents do not themselves dislodge barnacles from the shells of horseshoe crabs. (B) Barnacles most readily attach themselves to horseshoe crabs in areas where tidal currents are weakest. (C) The strength of the tidal currents in a given location varies widely over the course of a day. (D) A very large barnacle population can signi? cantly decrease the ability of a horseshoe crab to? nd food. (E) Until they are fully grown, horseshoe crabs shed their shells and grow new ones several times a year.
这个题不要被无用信息混淆才好。最后解释surprise,逻辑连是解释 tidal 小, 不打洞,j crab 还是没有很多b.
A 属于加强假设条件
C tidal不能解释suprise
D 改变文中默认假设(j crab 就是 吃b)无端加一个条件无法解释suprise
E 逻辑联系阻断,解释了suprise. 脱壳--b无法附着crab的壳, 所以不打洞,b也少