246 鉴定雕塑
P1: Kouros 青年雕像JPG museum, had a chance to buy an archaic Greek kouros with a higher price ever.
P2: usually first step is to identify stone quarry(来源, 采石场)with great precision or even with further chemical tests. Herz: kouros marble may from ancient CV quarries on the Thasos island.
P3: the ratios would be similar but actually not, which find out the possibility that crust of kouros maybe artificially replicated or precipitated out of groundwater. Most reasonable explanation is centuries of weathering(风化作用)
P4: crust does not indicate exact age of the sculpted surface because rate of dedolomitization depends on different variables. Kouros’s surface feature age of xx and xx
结构:引入主题:拍卖雕塑先需要鉴定雕塑的真伪——鉴定第一步:identify the quarry from which stone came——鉴定第二步:鉴定真伪,用氧16和氧18以及碳12和碳13鉴定法——雕塑的存在时间
对作品的鉴定第一步是identify the quarry from which stone came。这个通常能十分精准地进行判断。因为不同的石头地isotopic makeup大有不同。当石头样子有各种品种重合的情况下会进行进一步检测。这一检测由WSS和NH来进行。H说,这个kouros marble可能来自最早的dolomitic marble区域,而这个雕塑也可能市公元前7-6世纪在T地建造的。
在最必要的测试中,我们对比氧16和氧18以及碳12和碳13的含量比例。这一检测拍出来伪造的可能性或者是percipitated out of groundwater的可能性。上述两种情况都不会出现检测的那种含量比例。最有可能出现的是经过很多个世纪的天气打磨而成。
P1 In 1984 PG Museum was offered an old sculpture: kouros
P2 The first test of this statue :
scientists identify the quarry —> find where the quarries from
P3 The crucial test of this statue:
scientists compared the ratio of o2/carbon in the calcite crust with those of fresh dolomite-> find they are similar or different and made an explanation
P4 unsolved problem-the age
It’s difficult to recognize the age of this statue, so from what is known the age ranges from several 100 to several 1000
dolomite /dolostone. 白云石,一种观赏石
fresh dolomite 淡白云石
dolomitic marble 白云石大理石
dedolomitization n. 脱白云石化(作用)
a white or clear mineral consisting of calcium carbonate . It forms a major part of rocks such as limestone , marble and chalk .
• Archaic Greek kouros
○ Marble figure
○ High price
• Authenticate : identify the quarry
○ Isotopic makeup varies
○ From the ancient quarry: 6-7 centuries BC
○ Calcite ?
§ Crucial test: O16/O18,c12/c13
□ Calcite crust / fresh dolomite/ dedolomitized in nature
§ Not artificial ,no precipitated out of groundwater
§ Bzc: centuries of werthering
§ Not indicate the exact age
□ Variables: length of burial, soil,groundwater…
□ Age: several centuries - several millennia
P1:jp博物馆有机会购买一个价值珍贵的古雕塑,该雕塑鲜为人知价值不菲,出售者开价相当高,8-12 m.
1984 一个博物馆有机会买一个古老的雕像。保存很完好,很多艺术历史学家不知道。几十年保存在一个私人收藏家,售卖价格高于以前购买古代雕像价格,800-1200万美元
鉴定第一步识别石料来源,这部经常做的很精准,因为不同地点构成差别很大。isotope重叠时可以使用进一步使用化学测试。Kouros有可能来自ancient Cape Vathy quarries on the island of Thasos,很古老。
通过关键测试,氧比例,碳比例,相似,类似自然界中比率。排除kouros人为复制或者来自地下水的沉淀。 可能来自风化。calcite crust 厚度本身不能表示表面雕刻年龄,取决于很多因素,埋葬时间,埋葬土壤成分,地下水化学物质组成和降雨的成分。根据已知,kouros表面雕刻特征,年龄不少于几个世纪,不多于several millennia