2、一组喂食live scorpions with their sting,一组喂食hard-boiled egg"
Main Point: A research finding confirm that meerkats can alter forging behaviors to teach pups
P1. propose a hyphothesis that adult meerkats can alter their behaviors to teach the pups to kill their prey
● background : in africa, observe 2000 occasions that adult meerkats caught pre for pups
● older the pup, the greater posiibility to get a living prey
P2. 2 experientmes confirm the hypothesis
● use beg call recording for food-> younger have greater possibility to get the dead prep
● provide two groups of different food: scorption with stingers+boiled egg, the pup who got scorption from their adults can subdue the scorptions by themselves.
1. 研究家Alex T 和Katchrine M在野外观察一群小的术语mogoose家族的非洲哺乳动物-猫鼬,记录超过2000个成年猫鼬捕食猎物给幼崽的时刻。这些研究者发现尽管给到年轻悠哉的猎物中只有65%是获得,但是给到打的幼崽的猎物中90%都是获得。他们假设成年猫鼬改变他们的行为,为了去教授幼崽体验去杀死猎物。
2. T和M采用的两种实验证明了他们的假设。第一个实验,因为成年猫鼬经常抓猎物给不在视线范围内但是听得见声音的幼崽,研究者播放了一个幼崽的求助记录声音给觅食的成年猫鼬。他们发现成年猫鼬的行为根据发出求助的猫鼬的年龄变化而变化。越年轻的求助声,越大的比例他们会获得已经被杀死的猎物。在第二个实验中,研究者给幼崽的食物中一种包含一些活的有钳子的蝎子,另一种是煮熟的鸡蛋。三天后,所有的幼崽被给与活的蝎子,那些早先被妈妈给与蝎子的幼崽处理了这些蝎子,然而2/3那些给与鸡蛋的幼崽没办法征服这些蝎子。