37. 森林树木和二氧化碳
P1:Co2 的增长没有很快,那是因为woodland 的作用
Fossil fuels --> Co2 doesnt resulted in a greater increase
AA: Woodland absorb carbon and turn into wood
created wood <-> missing carbon
P2:为了验证woodland的作用AA做了研究,说明了woodland 的转化过程
whether the woodlands releasing or absorbing carbon?
wood added Vs. wood lost
AA: woodlands carbon source -- carbon sink
Before 1890 source <-- forest fites and logging --> release CO2
After 1920 increase surpassed the loss
37. 森林树木和二氧化碳
P1: CO2 increasing since 1700
- Burning fossil fuels>observed
- AA’s study: Northern hemisphere as a carbon sink;
P2: The volume of wood added= wood lost?
Before 1890: forest fires and logging.
After 1920: carbon source into carbon sink ; and strong CO2 from fossil fuel.