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[阅读小分队] 揽瓜阁阅读做题小分队 第87天 寒鸦

发表于 2021-6-25 04:28:09 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |正序浏览 |阅读模式
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The Western Jackdaw (Corvus monedula), sometimes known as the Eurasian Jackdaw, European Jackdaw or simply Jackdaw, is a passerine bird in the crow family. Found across Europe, western Asia and North Africa, it is mostly resident, although northern and Eastern populations migrate south in winter. Four subspecies are recognized, which mainly differ in the coloration of the plumage on the head and nape. Carl Linnaeus first classified the bird and described it formally, giving it the name Corvus monedula because of the bird’s supposed fondness for picking up coins (monedula is Latin for money). Later analysis of its DNA suggests that, with its closest relative, the Darian Jackdaw, it is an early offshoot from the genus Corvus, and possibly distinct enough to warrant reclassification in a separate genus, Coloeus. In fact, one authority, the International Ornithological Congress, has recently reassigned the two jackdaw species from the genus Corvus to the genus Coloeus.

Unlike many of its close relatives, the Western Jackdaw has a completely black-plumage with a grey nape and distinctive pale-grey irises. However, like those relatives, it is gregarious and vocal, living in small groups with a complex social structure in farmland, open woodland, on coastal cliffs, and in urban settings. An omnivorous and opportunistic feeder, it eats a wide variety of plant material and invertebrates, as well as food waste from urban areas. Western Jackdaws are monogamous (have only one mate at a time) and build simple nests of sticks in cavities in trees, cliffs, or buildings. About five pale blue or blue-green eggs with brown speckles are laid and incubated by the female. The young fledge (leave the nest) in four to five weeks, sooner than other jackdaws, and the average lifespan of the bird is approximately five years compared.

Q1: Which of the following can be inferred from the passage about the Darian Jackdaw?
(A) It is classified in the wrong genus
(B) It has a fondness for picking up coins
(C) It does not have black plumage
(D) It is found commonly in small groups
(E) It is a monogamous bird

Q2: According to the passage, a Western Jackdaw found in the southern Hemisphere during the winter months would most likely ______________
(A) live in the easternmost portion of the bird’s habitat
(B) have migrated from another location
(C) have plumage with an unusual coloration
(D) have a greater life expectancy than most jackdaws
(E) have traveled a great distance from it’s usual habitat

Q3: Which of the following can be properly inferred from the passage above?
(A) The Western Jackdaw eats more plant material and invertebrates than human food waste.
(B) The Western Jackdaw belongs to the genus Coloeus.
(C) The Western Jackdaw has only one mate throughout its lifespan.
(D) The Western Jackdaw is able to fly sooner than its close relatives.
(E) The Western Jackdaw is more social than its close relatives.

Q4: Which of the following can properly be inferred about Carl Linnaeus from the passage above?
(A) He was the first to discover the Western Jackdaw.
(B) He believed that the Western Jackdaw was fond of coins.
(C) His classification of the Western Jackdaw was wrong.
(D) His prior classifications do not always agree with current DNA data.
(E) He was a member of the International Ornithological Congress.


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发表于 2023-9-21 09:21:12 | 只看该作者
WJackdaw 也被叫做XXXX。是crow家族里的 passerine 一支。在XXXX地都有。北方和东方的群体会南下过冬。
Darian Jackdaw,是最早从genus corvus 分出来的,和genus corvus 不同。
W Jackdaw 有黑色plumage 灰色nape和 pale grey irises。此外就和别的一样:农场里,林地里,岩石边,群居,吃植物和小虫子,还有垃圾。
W Jackdaw 是一夫一妻制,用小棍子搭窝在XXXX地方。一窝5个蛋,雌鸟孵化。小崽子4-5周离窝,大概5年寿命。
发表于 2023-9-21 08:08:27 发自 iPhone | 只看该作者




发表于 2023-9-14 22:59:46 | 只看该作者
介绍Western Jackdaw(一种鸟)
——包括名称、迁徙、名称起源、基因归属(possible genus Corvus——>genus Coloeus)
解释Western Jackdaw和其近亲的不同点和相同点
但是,要注意like those...只圈住本句,表明是共同点,句子之外的不一定是。(特别是后文没有比较对象了,只是在客观陈述Western Jackdaw)

DBBD 8’05”

Q1: Which of the following can be inferred from the passage about the Darian Jackdaw?
(A) It is classified in the wrong genus(注意时态:it is,现在处于错误的分类——但是很显然是曾经;另外,possibly distinct enough——有可能属于鸦属)
(B) It has a fondness for picking up coins(只是WJ)
(C) It does not have black plumage(原文completely)
(D) It is found commonly in small groups
(E) It is a monogamous bird(NM)

Q2: According to the passage, a Western Jackdaw found in the southern Hemisphere during the winter months would most likely ______________
(A) live in the easternmost portion of the bird’s habitat
(B) have migrated from another location
(C) have plumage with an unusual coloration
(D) have a greater life expectancy than most jackdaws
(E) have traveled a great distance from it’s usual habitat

Q3: Which of the following can be properly inferred from the passage above?
(A) The Western Jackdaw eats more(NM) plant material and invertebrates than human food waste.
(B) The Western Jackdaw belongs to the genus Coloeus. (同Q1A)
(C) The Western Jackdaw has only one mate throughout its lifespan(原文:at one time) .
(D) The Western Jackdaw is able to fly sooner than its close relatives.
(E) The Western Jackdaw is more social(NM) than its close relatives.

Q4: Which of the following can properly be inferred about Carl Linnaeus from the passage above?
(A) He was the first to discover (classified) the Western Jackdaw.
(B) He believed(原文:supposed;注意程度词) that the Western Jackdaw was fond of coins.
(C) His classification of the Western Jackdaw was wrong. (ND)
(D) His prior classifications do not always agree with current DNA data.
(E) He was a member of the International Ornithological Congress. (NM)
发表于 2023-9-12 21:43:07 | 只看该作者

第一题: 这个DJ就出现了这么一个地方,反复看都找不到答案,结果竟然是靠WJ推测出来的,在第二段:like those relatives, …, living in small groups that….
发表于 2023-9-9 14:38:25 | 只看该作者
发表于 2021-7-1 16:21:02 | 只看该作者
发表于 2021-6-30 15:19:39 | 只看该作者
发表于 2021-6-28 19:24:36 | 只看该作者
发表于 2021-6-26 22:07:47 | 只看该作者
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