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[资料] 明天1124场的S和W超超超小范围 结合了沐沐机经和豆腐机经 带答案 攒人品求爆发~!

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发表于 2013-11-23 22:06:00 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |正序浏览 |阅读模式



Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? The rules that thewhole society today expect young people to follow are too strict.
In my view, the rules that society as a whole expect young people tofollow are not too strict. I can’t possibly agree that today’s generation havestrict rules because their attitudes, behaviors, and beliefs are far removedfrom the expectations of traditional society. Society should actually establishand enforce stricter codes of conduct for these young people.
Today, youngpeople’s attitudes are either negative or indifferent to the rules of society,and they need some adjusting. Young people should be required to follow somegeneral rules of society, such as respect for their parents, teachers andelders, refrain from using profane language in public, and avoid being exposedto drugs, booze, and the bad kids.
If we do not put the bad behavior in check that young people exhibittoday, we will soon have nothing but lawlessness reigning in our society. Forexample, young people will be able to do anything that they want to do, andthere will be few, if any consequences, in place to deal with the behaviors.Already, young people walk around with their underwear showing, listening tomusic laced with profanity, drinking and smoking in public, and showing norespect for rules. Without a doubt, young people misunderstand how a civilizedsociety should operate.
In conclusion, the rules of society aremeant to help improve young people’s attitudes, behaviors, and beliefs aboutthe way that society runs, and their role in it. I do not believe the rules aretoo strict. In fact, I believe that as a society, we are falling short in ourresponsibilities to young people. Our lack of enforcement of even simple rules,not strict ones, has created a generation of young people with a sense ofentitlement.

Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? In the past youngpeople depended on their parents for making decisions. Today, young people arebetter able to make decisions on their own.
I agree that young people today are better able to make decisions on theirown, because they have more knowledge, experiences, and resources. Therefore,when compared to young people in the past, today’s young people do not dependas much on their parents to help them to make decisions. They know how to makemany different types of decisions, they have had experience in going throughdecision making processes, and many resources are available to help them makeinformative decisions on their own.
First of all, youngpeople have a strong background knowledge on how to make many different typesof decisions, such as how to choose their own style of clothes, the kind offoods they like, what movies they prefer, who should they trust to be theirfriends, and what books they like to read. Making day to day decisions givesyoung people skills and experiences to use in the decision making process. Thedecision making process requires considerations before making a final decision.
Next, the experiences that young people have in going through the decisionmaking processes helps them to determine the pros and cons of their choices. Aprocess is a way of thinking and doing something to achieve the desiredresults. For many young people, they like to have input into the possiblechoices available to them. Participation in a decision making process validatesyoung people’s ability to make decisions on their own.
Finally, when examining the resources that young people can access today,compared to years ago, young people today can get information and advice with acall or a click. The Internet has numerous websites that provide details aboutdecisions that young people are most interested. For example, they can learnhow to apply for college, how to get scholarships and grants, what are the bestschools for their major interest. Getting the latest up-to-date information andfacts available ensures that young people can make timely decisions on theirown very quickly.
All in all, the evidence strongly supportsmy position that young people are in a better position to make decisions ontheir own, because they have more knowledge, experience with the decisionmaking process, and tons of resources online and offline that can assist themin making informed decisions alone without depending on their parents. Whilesome decisions that young people made in the past are still left up to themtoday, the important thing is that young people are more empowered to decidefor themselves.
Do you agree or disagree with the followingstatement? Today people cannot buy products based on information in theiradvertisements because advertisements are less honest than before.
I disagree with this. Although the main goal of advertisements is still toget you to buy their product, I actually think advertisements are more honestthan they used to be. They are less sentimental and more blunt, they are morecreative, and advertisements for important items like medicine are legallyrequired to tell viewers the facts.
Advertisements used to be quite sentimental and corny. They would show aperfect, smiling family gathered around the breakfast table and acting as ifbacon was the most wonderful thing in the world. Or an advertisement would showa beautiful housewife desperate to please her handsome husband by getting hisshirts clean. They were just so obviously fake and exaggerated. But these days,advertisements are more blunt and to-the-point. They’ll tell you to buy acertain brand of bacon because it’s crispy and delicious. They’ll tell you tobuy a particular laundry soap because your clothes will look nice. They aren’tpromising perfection in your life, just for the products to be pleasant to use.That sounds honest enough.
The advertisements of today are also more creative. They show not just onescenario for using a product, but several. A woman could wear her new highheels at work, at a party, out on the town, in class, on vacation, and so on.Once again, none of these claims are outrageous. The ads aren’t saying thatwomen will be overcome with intense joy by their shoes. They’re just mentioningrealistic situations that many different women can connect with.
The products that one most wants to have honest advertisements aremedicines. And I’d say that they do! In the distant past, there used to beadvertisements for tonics and syrups that supposedly could cure tons ofdifferent ailments. But they didn’t go into scientific detail in the ads andusually the medicines didn’t actually work. However, in this day and age, medicineadvertisements legally have to tell you of both the benefits and the risks oftheir products. Unfortunately, sometimes the list of risks goes on for a largeportion of the commercial! But at least viewers know that they are getting thetruth, even if it’s not all good news.
That’s why I think advertisements aremore honest today than they were in the past. They are more down-to-earth, theyare creative with their scenarios, and medicine ads legally have to tell youthe facts about their product.
Do you agree or disagree with the followingstatement? Compared with the people who live in cities, those who live invillages or farms are more satisfied with their lives.
I agree, for the most part. Of course, different people can be happy inboth cities and villages or farms, depending on what they like. But those wholive in villages or on farms are probably more satisfied in general. They getto enjoy things at a slower pace, they get to live in the beauty of nature, andthey feel much safer.
In the city, everything and everyone moves at a frantic speed. Lightsflash. Car horns honk. People rush to get to work, get stuck in traffic, andyell at each other. It can be difficult to enjoy your surroundings wheneverything is so rushed. It can even be difficult to enjoy your day! But out inthe country, everything is slowed down. You can go for a long walk, smellingthe sweet flowers on the air. You can spend the afternoon baking bread whileyou listen to music. There’s no rush, so you truly take the time to enjoy andfeel satisfied by the details of your day.
This is helped by the fact that it is very naturally beautiful in thecountry. Some buildings in cities can be lovely, but they are so often coveredin smoke and grime. And actual green trees and grass can be hard to find! Inthe country, however, you have huge skies and endless plant life. There arerivers, fields, forests, and so on. It’s easy to be inspired just looking outyour window or walking to the mailbox! That must be a very satisfying feelingto wake up to the stunning beauty of nature every day.
Finally, people feel safer in villages and on farms than they do in thecity. Big cities have muggers and gang members…You feel like you always have tobe guarding yourself just when you’re walking down the street. It can make aperson very tense and unhappy. But crime is more rare in the country. Peoplefeel safe almost at all times, smiling at their neighbors and saying hello tostrangers. That is a more pleasant day-to-day existence.
Therefore, I think that people who liveon farms or in villages in the country are more satisfied with their lives thancity-dwellers. They delight in taking things at a slower speed, they enjoytheir natural surroundings, and they feel safer and more relaxed away fromurban crime.
Do you agree or disagree with the followingstatement? Teaching is harder than it was in the past.
I agree that teaching is harder now than it was in the past. There aremultiple viewpoints and cultures that have to be considered, it’s harder tokeep the attention of contemporary students, and some schools do not haveenough money to properly teach certain things.
Topics that werediscussed in school used to be more straightforward. Whoever was doing theteaching would take the point of view of their own culture (and the culture ofhis or her students). For instance, American schools used to teach that theexplorers who discovered America,like Christopher Columbus, were brave and admirable. American schoolchildrenwere made to feel simply good about themselves and their country’s history.That must have been easy to teach! But these days, we are so much moresensitive to the stories of other cultures. Teachers have to consider thefeelings of the native people that the explorers mistreated and killed, tobegin with. With any historical lesson, it is now normal for teachers tosympathize with the oppressed, the women, and the people that for centuries hadno voice. And the beliefs of other cultures and countries are explored just asmuch as the customs of one’s own country. This is a good thing, certainly! Butit is more complicated and takes a lot more time to teach.
It is also harder to keep the attention of students these days, with somuch technology everywhere. In class, they can sneak peeks at their cell phonesand text their friends. If they are college students in a lecture hall wherelaptops are allowed, they might be playing games on their computer rather thantaking notes. Students doing their homework on their computer can find theinternet to be a distraction.
But technology can also be a problem if there isn’t enough of it.The world has come so far in the world of science that a school can greatlysuffer if it doesn’t have the proper equipment. What if a biology class can’tafford microscopes? What if a video editing class can’t afford the latestediting programs? It can be difficult to keep up and that must make teachingharder.
Teaching is more difficult today than itwas in the past because things are more complicated. Many different viewpointsmust be taught, technology can distract students, and yet a lack of propertechnology in the classroom can disadvantage students.
Do you agree or disagree with the followingstatement? Nowadays it is easier to maintain good health than in the past.
The need to maintain good health has always been a serious concern forpeople throughout human history. Although attitudes and understandings aboutwhat good health is have changed over the centuries, people at all times and placeshave known that being healthy is vitally important not only to the quality ofone’s life, but also to the overall productivity of society. Achieving andmaintaining good health is easier today than it has been in the past for threereasons. First, people have greater knowledge about health-related matters thanthey did in previous centuries. Second, people in many countries have greateraccess to health care than they did in the past. Third, there is greaterinterest among people in active lifestyles than in earlier times.
In addition to increased knowledge, people also have greater access tohealth care services than in the past. While it is true that, in several placesaround the world, many people do not have adequate medical care, the modernworld still offers more health care options today than at any other time inhistory. As noted above, widespread immunization has caused many diseases, likepolio and smallpox, to disappear entirely. Also, there is more attention topreventative care, with annual physical examinations and check-ups used toidentify potential health problems. There are also a growing number of drugsand medications that can be used to treat diseases and fight infections.
Another reason it is easier to maintain good health today is that there isgreater interest among people in sports and exercise. An active lifestyle isimportant to staying healthy. A regular fitness regimen, whether it involvesplaying on a sports team, running, bicycling, or some other activity, isessential to maintaining a proper weight and keeping one’s body physically fit.In many countries, fitness clubs and gymnasiums are widely available to thosewho wish to make regular exercise a part of their lives.
Even though there are greateropportunities for people to cultivate good health today, individuals must stilltake personal responsibility for their well-being. Increased knowledge andgreater access to health care are important, but ultimately individuals mustpractice healthy habits on a daily basis. No amount of knowledge will behelpful unless one is willing to put that knowledge into action. The rewardsfor doing so are numerous, not the least of which are longevity, greaterprosperity, and a higher overall quality of life.
Do you agree or disagree with the followingstatement? Young people nowadays do not respect their teachers as much as theydid in the past.
The educational system has changed drastically in the last few decades.One result of those changes is that today’s students do not respect theirteachers as much as they did in the past. In part, this trend can be attributedto the decline of corporal punishment, a change in the learning environment,and to the prevalence of high-paying jobs that do not require an education.
Furthermore, contemporary classroom curricula have expanded hugely sincethe mid twentieth century which allows a student’s individual talents andskills to emerge freely. Students and teachers have much more interaction usingapplied technologies that help students grow intellectually. The rapportbetween teachers and students may lead many students to place themselves at anequal rather than subordinate position with their teachers. Students in thiskind of learning environment tend to view respect as unnecessary. By contrast,in classical education in the past, classroom teaching was rigid, unimaginativeand often indoctrinatory, which demanded students to act with respect towardteachers, even if the teachers were unpleasant or not good at their jobs.
Finally, many high-paying jobs in the present day do not require aneducation. Entry level positions in the natural gas industry, for example, donot call for advanced degrees because most of the work is manual labor. Thus,students are convinced that they will not need any of the skills that educatorsteach. The material is rendered useless and so is each student’s respect forthe one who imparts it (the teacher).
Unfortunately, teachers are notrespected as much as they once were. It does not benefit anyone when teachersare stripped of their authority and respect. They may become powerless topenalize disobedient students, less effective when imparting knowledge, and theappeal of high-paying manual labor positions undermines the role that educationis meant to play in students’ lives.
Do you agree or disagree with the followingstatement? In order for a business to succeed, it must put more money inadvertising.
I agree that it is very important for businesses to put money intoadvertising. They need to make their product recognizable and thereforetrustworthy to buyers, they need to point out what makes their product unique,and they need to create an alluring demand for their product.
Many people, ifthey’ve never heard of a certain product before, won’t want to buy it. It mayseem silly, but they might not “trust” the item enough. How do they know somecrackers aren’t gross and bland? How do they know some shampoo will be good fortheir hair? They’ve never even heard of the brand, so they wonder how it couldpossibly be of quality. This happens even more beyond simple household objects.I don’t think many people would go to a dentist they’d never heard of, forinstance. But advertising makes that uneasiness go away. Consumers think, “Ah,yes! I saw an advertisement for that on TV.” There is a recognition, likeseeing a friend rather than a stranger.
Advertisements also make their products stand out compared to competitors.If a person is at the grocery store and is trying to choose between tendifferent brands of yogurt, they might think of the advertisements to help makea decision. They could remember that a certain brand is thicker than otheryogurts or that one brand is sweetened only with honey. The person’s decisioncould be determined by little appealing details like that. Meanwhile, theyogurts that have not been advertised get left behind because there is nothingremarkable or unique about them in the eyes of the buyer.
Finally, advertisements can create a desire for a product that might nothave been there otherwise. Sometimes people are sitting at home and suddenlycrave Coca-Cola. They’re not wanting plain old soda or juice or anything likethat. They specifically want Coca-Cola. Part of that is the tasty flavor of thebeverage. But another part is the intense advertising that Coca-Cola has beendoing for decades. They make it seem as if the entire world loves Coca-Cola andthat you should, too. People believe the myth and eventually the myth becomestruth. Specific products and brands are made to look so appealing that buyerswant only them, and they think of the product without being provoked.
That’s why investing money and energyinto advertising is important for businesses. Ads increase the familiarity ofproducts, make them seem unique, and make them highly desirable.

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发表于 2014-3-21 03:16:33 | 只看该作者
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发表于 2013-12-26 14:05:16 | 只看该作者
明天1124场的S和W超超超小范围 结合了沐沐机经和豆腐机经 带答案 攒人品求爆发~
发表于 2013-12-3 10:19:19 | 只看该作者
thanks allot
发表于 2013-11-24 17:48:50 | 只看该作者
 楼主| 发表于 2013-11-24 13:59:53 | 只看该作者
发表于 2013-11-24 10:33:14 | 只看该作者
祝楼主 上110!
发表于 2013-11-24 00:31:15 | 只看该作者
发表于 2013-11-23 23:57:46 | 只看该作者
发表于 2013-11-23 23:51:07 | 只看该作者
嗷呜!wuwu !
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