although we were sitting in thr bleachers,the baseball game was as exciting to us as the people sitting behind home plate
文中的解释是:应该改为as to the people 和前面的as exciting to us 保持结构一致.
但是我的问题是:as...as的用法中,我只见过as exciting as,从来没见过还能在里面加上 as exciting to us as 的这种用法。希望大神讲讲这是怎么理解这里的的as...as?
导致我现在不明白:as..as不是一个固定搭配表示与..一样吗?为什么能拆开和后面形成平行结构as to us 和as to people?按道理说应该是baseball game和people一样让我们兴奋呀(A as..as B),可是这样句子意思就不对了。
the baseball game was as exciting to us as the people sitting behind home plate
the baseball game was as exciting to us as to the people sitting behind home plate
类似:He is as kind to me as to anyone else.
几许VV 发表于 2018-12-6 17:56
the baseball game was as exciting to us as the people sitting behind home plate
意思是:baseball和pe ...
哇,我好像明白了,感谢VV, 你看是不是这样的:
②如果改为as to people,则as to A ,as to B就形成了平行结构,也就是说A和B一样兴奋。
不过还有一点我不明白:as to A, as to B这种是固定搭配嘛?约定俗成的就可以这么用?可以把它当成一种固定搭配的句型积累下来嘛?