21. Historian: We can learn aboutthe medical history of individuals through chemical analysis of their hair. Itis likely, for example, that Isaac Newton’s psychological problems were due tomercury poisoning; traces of mercury were found in his hair. Analysis is nowbeing done on a lock of Beethoven’s hair. Although no convincing argument hasshown that Beethoven ever had a venereal disease, some people hypothesize thatvenereal disease caused his deafness. Since mercury was commonly ingested inBeethoven’s time to treat venereal disease, if researchers find a trace ofmercury in his hair, we can conclude that this hypothesis is correct. Which one of the following is anassumption on which the historian’s argument depends? A. Noneof the mercury introduced into the body can be eliminated. B. Somepeople in Beethoven’s time did not ingest mercury. C. Mercuryis an effective treatment for venereal disease. D. Mercurypoisoning can cause deafness in people with venereal disease. E. Beethovensuffered from psychological problems of the same severity as Newton’s. Thereshould be 2 assumptions to support the hypothesis. The 1st assumption of theauthor is that only venereal disease will be treated by mercury inBeethoven’s time. The 2nd assumption is only some people in Beethoven'stime will ingest mercury, if all people ingest mercury, the evidence is notuseful. So, some people in Beethoven's time did not ingest mercury. Theanswer should be B. A, Ehave nothing to do with the argument. C isnot necessary, 'Since mercury was commonly ingested in Beethoven’s time totreat venereal disease' is enough. D iswrong: according to the author, it is the venereal disease thatwill cause the deafness, not the mercury poison.
题目如上。 每次在做这种What assumptions ......depends?的时候都没有一个很清晰的思路.
这个题目的第一个假设我能理解, 就是这些历史学家认为:在贝多芬的年代,水银只用于治疗性病,但关于解释的第二个假设就昏掉了。
按照详解里面的理解是: 只有一部分人服用水银,如果是所有人都服用水银的话,这个证据就是无用的。 。。。第二个推理链完全不清楚