据说这是1000道官方的SC题库里的题,是真的么?都是考试有可能出现的题么???迷惑ing! 我看了一下,这是老外们备考必做的题,就像我们的GWD一样。好神奇! 这是1000题中的第一题,有谁看着眼熟么??? A “calendar stick” carved centuries ago by the Winnebago tribe may provide the first evidence that the North American Indians have developed advanced full-year calendars basing them on systematic astronomical observation.
(A) that the North American Indians have developed advanced full-year calendars basing them (B) of the North American Indians who have developed advanced full-year calendars and based them (C) of the development of advanced full-year calendars by North American Indians, basing them (D) of the North American Indians and their development of advanced full-year calendars based (E) that the North American Indians developed advanced full-year calendars based Official Answer: E
[此贴子已经被作者于2008-9-20 12:56:19编辑过] |