在做OG17的时候遇到这样一个问题,对问题的归类有点疑惑。根据helr神的分类,我感觉这个像是果因模式,但是实际上是因果模式,有点想不通为什么,请NN们解答~ 附上题目
Candle Corporation's television stations are likely to have more income from advertisers than previously. This is because advertisers prefer to reach people in the 18- to 49-year-old age group and the number of people in that group watching Candle television is increasing. Furthermore, among Candle viewers,the percentage of viewers 18 to 49 years old is increasing. Which of the following, if true, would most strengthen the argument that Candle Corporation will receive more income from advertisers? A.Advertisers carefully monitor the demographic characteristics of television audiences and purchase advertising time to reach the audiences they prefer to reach. B.Among people over 49 years old, fewer viewers of Candle stations buy products advertised on television than do viewers of other stations. C.There will be increasingly more advertisements on television that are directed at viewers who are over 49 years old. D.Candle stations plan to show reruns of television shows during hours when other stations run shows for the first time. E.People 18 to 49 years old generally have less disposable income to spend than do people over 49 years old.