一楼你好!你的困惑我很理解,其实我和我的一些朋友在决定考LSAT 之前都有和你类似的困惑.
我本科也是英语, 来美国才决定学法律的,原因是想不出更好的专业,刚好又接触到一些这里的律师和他们的生活,感觉还不错,加上周围人的撺掇, 于是上了贼船, 前途未卜, 但决定之后就不再去考虑这个决定是否明智了.
我刚开始也和你有同样的困惑:我这种性格的人适合学法律吗? 我们对律师的STEREOTYPE就是能言善辩, AGGRESSIVE, 我感到自己是在是不象. 但后来更多地去了解这个行业后发现,律师不一定就得咄咄逼人,亲和力和与人的沟通能力也很重要;律师可以做很多行业的工作,电影里的那些上庭辩护的律师只是这个行业很小很小的一部分,其实律师更多的是在做PAPERWORK, 与人沟通, 做NEGATIONATION; 而且,这个行业是通向其他很多行业的一个通道,美国律师在从业5年左右之后转向其他行业的比例是很高的.
对于上法学院, 我们中国人要考虑更多的实际问题,首先, 资金,没有奖学金的话,花费是在10万美圆左右,在美国贷款需要绿卡或公民做CO-SIGNER.有奖学金就比较幸运了,但一般不要打算会有全奖(there is, though). So usually you would have to prepare quite a bunch of money for your law education. Secondly, as lawyer-1 pointed out, the law career is something that you have to be very serious with. You would probably work 70 hrs a week, with few vacations.
Besides, we have language problem. Writing skill, speaking, cultural understanding. These are tough challenges to us. Well, of course, we could get over them if we are determined and work hard enough.
One good thing i know about lawyering is, some lawyers, especially those solo practitioners, can control their own schedule and even work at home. Girls definitely love that : )
Unfortunately, an idea job for a law student is working at a big law firm, which is highly competitive and stressful
I know a friend, who is a girl and has similar experience as you have. She made up her mind because she found she could not go on with her current job as engineer and she is so passionate about law.
You have to be determined before you even think about taking the LSAT. The process of taking the test and applying to law school could burn you out. So if you do not persuade yourself into doing it in the first place, the whole thing could become very annoying and frustrating. In short, if your mentality is not ready, don't even start it.
I know many Chinese students apply to JD because they major in law in under, so it seems like a kind of natural course. they don't have such strugglings as we have.
you actually have better background than I. You have pretty good work experience, which would be a plus to your application.
the law career is chanllenging and rewarding. But i also heard some people saying that a woman lawyer will probably find it hard to marry herself out.
[此贴子已经被作者于2004-11-28 12:53:12编辑过] |