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[考古] 越毒狗 消费者行为研究 感觉很像考过的一篇

发表于 2011-3-12 19:01:56 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式

purchase 比comsumer consumption重要  “buy one get one free”
V1  【by: forever2486】

有一篇讲customer convenience的,第一段说的是人们很少把purchasing behavior和consuming behavior分开来,来分析大减价,比如有些商品“买一送一”后为什么会恢复到以前的销量水平,除非consuming rates提高(这个点是第一题)。中间有一些讲解customer convenience 如何影响消费者(而非购买者)行为的论述记不太清了,有一个还是两个结构题,第二段结尾是用泡冰茶举例,说明泡一小包冰茶和一罐冰茶工序是一样的。(这里是这篇阅读的最后一题,选取选项中与最后这个例子关系一样的,我选的是捎带一个邻居去超市和捎带两个邻居去超市那个选项。)

V2 【by: lotus1221】

阅读碰到一篇讲marketing的,第一段说什么研究purchase 比comsumer consumption重要,比如捆绑销售“buy one get one free”,如果消费者买了之后consumption quantity不增加,销售就会下降。

V3 【by: Frennie  750】11.12

第一段: 的是人们很少把purchasing behavior和consuming behavior分开来,来分析大减价,比如有些商品“买一送一”后为什么会恢复到以前的销量水平,除非consuming rates提高(这个点是第一题)。
第二段: 有一些讲解customer convenience 如何影响消费者(而非购买者)行为的论述记不太清了,有一个还是两个结构题,第二段结尾是用泡冰茶举例,说明泡一小包冰茶和一罐冰茶工序是一样的。
还问了一题。。说对于stockpiling 的食物。下列哪种情况会更可能去consume stockpiling的食物。。。我选的好像是在吃之前不用addtional的preparation的。。好像是E。。当时有个D是说不会产生额外的费用的。。纠结了一下。。还有C是说当他们是impulsively purchase的。。A是当他们不是独立包装的。。B忘记了。。

原文类似物搜索:zencheng902(第二段) loverwy

In the context of packaged goods, consumer behavior research tends to focus on purchase decisions rather than consumption decisions. Yet consumers’ ability to increase consumption is critical for growing mature brands that have already achieved high levels of household penetration and loyalty (Wansink 1994a; Wansink and Ray 1996). Understanding postpurchase consumption behavior is also important in the assessment of the profitability of stockpilinginducing promotions, such as multiunit packs or “buy one get one free” offers, which may deplete future sales unless consumers increase consumption rates (Blattberg and Neslin 1990).

As is shown in Figure 1, the convenience of consuming the product moderates the impact of stockpiling on consumption rate: Stockpiling is more likely to trigger consumption incidence for high-convenience products than for low-convenience products. Consumption convenience can contribute to as much as 48% of impulsively consumed food (Wansink 1994b). Consumption convenience is a function of the time, comfort, and ease of preparation, depending on the number, complexity, cost, and accessibility of the operations required before consumption (Gehrt and Yale 1993; Reilly 1982). Consumption convenience can be influenced by packaging (e.g., individually wrapped packs are convenient because they do not force consumers to use, store, or waste the remaining quantity), and it applies to food as well as nonfood products (e.g., prestamped envelopes versus regular unstamped envelopes).

We anticipate that convenience moderates the impact that stockpiling has on consumption incidence but does not influence the impact on consumption quantity (given incidence). Low-convenience products are ingredients or steps in a broader process. They often require the availability of other ingredients and the performance of multiple operations before they can be consumed. For example, consuming iced tea from a mix requires time, water, a container, a spoon, and refrigeration; using detergent requires time, dirty laundry, and a washing machine. All these ingredients need to be available for consumption incidence to occur. However, when all the ingredients are available and the first consumption incidence occurs, low-convenience products can subsequently be consumed in higher quantities relatively easily. Preparing a small pitcher (大水罐) of iced tea from a powdered mix, for example, requires almost as much time and effort as preparing a large pitcher. Stockpiling therefore increases consumption quantity (given incidence) for high- and lowconvenience products. However, stockpiling triggers consumption incidence primarily for high-convenience products. As a result, stockpiling increases total consumption (the product of higher incidence and higher quantity given incidence) more for high-convenience products than for low-convenience products.
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发表于 2011-3-12 19:26:37 | 只看该作者
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