22. Only an expert in some branch of psychhology could understand why Patrick is behaving irrationally. But no expert is certain of being able to solve someone else's problem. Patrick wants to devise a solution to his own behavioral problem. Which one of the following conclusions can be validly drawn from the passage? A. Patrick does not understand why he is behaving in this way. B. Patrick is not an expert in psychology. C. Patrick is not certain of being able to devise a soluution to his own behavioral problem. D. Unless Charles is an expert in some branch of psychology, Charles should not offer a solution to Patrick's behavioral problem. E. If Charles is certain of being able to solve Patrick's behavioral problem, then Charies does not understand why Patrick is behaving in teh way. Why E? why not B? Thanks!
(第2句)But no expert is certain of being able to solve someone else's problem.
So, if a person( A ) is able to solve someone else's problem, A is not an expert.
(第1句)Only an expert in some branch of psychhology could understand why Patrick is behaving irrationally.
A is not an expert, so A can't understand why patrick is behaving irrationally.
把有color 的连起来就是E 了。
'Patrick ' is mentioned, but we only know that Patrick wants to devise a solution. The information provided about Patrick is not enough for us to draw a conclusion that he is not an expert in psychology.
我有一點疑惑,"But no expert is certain of being able to solve someone else's problem"這句話不是說"沒有一個專家確定能解決別人的問題"嗎?並不一定代表專家一定能或不能解決啊,它的意思跟"沒有一個專家能解決別人的問題"應該不太一樣吧.還是我對"certain"的理解錯誤呢?
C. Patrick is not certain of being able to devise a soluution to his own behavioral problem. 怎么理解呢?P不一定能设计出解决方法,为什么错呢?是因为题目问can be validly drawn ,所以不能完全确定的就不能选么?