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730 SH 二战700,火车站发机经回馈CD,新添AWA段落模板

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发表于 2009-7-30 21:34:00 | 只看该作者

730 SH 二战700,火车站发机经回馈CD,新添AWA段落模板





63. The following appeared as part of an article in the business section of a local newspaper.

“The Cumquat Café made a mistake in moving to a new location. After one year at the new spot, it is doing about the same volume of business as before, but the owners of the RoboWrench plumbing supply wholesale outlet that took over its old location are apparently doing better: RoboWrench is planning to open a store in a neighboring city.”

Discuss how well reasoned... etc.

咖啡店搬到新地址是个错误。到新址的一年以后,它的营业额和以前基本一样。但在它的原址开业的提供铅管批发出口的Robo Wrench的店主显然做的更好。Robo Wrench正计划在临近城市开一家店。

1.         False analogy

2.         Other factors other than location that may contribute to the faliure of the Cumquat Cafe should be considered and ruled out.

3.         Likewise, there may be some other factors that will explain the success of the success of the RoboWrench plumbing.

4.         One year's poor performance is too wake an evidence to conclude that the Cafe has made a mistake to relocate.

According to this newspaper article, the Cumquat Cafe made a mistake by relocating one year ago. The author supports this claim by pointing out that Cumquat is doing about the same volume of business as before it moved, while RoboWrench plumbing supply outlet, which took over Cumquat’s old location, is apparently “doing better” because its owners plan to open a new outlet in a nearby city. This argument suffers from several critical flaws.

To begin with, the two businesses are too dissimilar for meaningful comparison. Cumquat’s old location may simply have been better suited to hardware, plumbing, and home improvement businesses than to cafes and restaurants. The article’s claim that Cumquat made a mistake in moving fails to take this possibility into account.

Secondly, the article’s claim that RoboWrench is “doing better” since it took over Cumquat’s old location is too vague to be meaningful. The author fails to provide a second term of this comparison. We are not informed whether RoboWrench is doing better than before it moved, better than other plumbing stores, or better than Cumquat. This uninformative comparison is worthless as evidence from which to judge the wisdom of Cumquat’s decision to relocate.

Thirdly, the claim that RoboWrench is doing better is unwarranted by the evidence. The mere fact that RoboWrench plans to open a new store in a nearby city does not by itself establish that business is good. It is possible that the purpose of this plan is to compensate for lackluster business at the current location. Or perhaps the RoboWrench owners are simply exercising poor business judgment.

Finally, the claim that Cumquat made a mistake in moving may be too hasty, since the conclusion is based on only one year’s business at the new location. Moreover, given the time it ordinarily takes for a business to develop a new customer base in a new location, the fact that Cumquat’s volume of business is about the same as before it moved tends to show that the move was a good decision, not a mistake.

In conclusion, the claim that Cumquat’s move was a mistake is ill-founded, since it is based on both poor and incomplete comparisons as well as on a premature conclusion. To better assess the argument, we need to know what the author is comparing RoboWrench’s performance to; we also need more information about the extent of RoboWrench’s success at this location and why its owners are opening a new store.


42. “Scientists are continually redefining the standards for what is beneficial or harmful to the environment. Since these standards keep shifting, companies should resist changing their products and processes in response to each new recommendation until those recommendations become government regulations.”

Discuss the extent to which you agree or disagree with the opinion stated above. Support your views with reasons and/or examples from your own experience, observations, or reading.


1.         科学家的建议也并不一定都是正确的。很有可能他的结论适用面很窄。或者他所得到的数据有错误等等。

2.         对企业来说频繁的变更产品和生产流程会造成很大的经济损失

3.         诚然等待国家制定标准很可能存在滞后等问题但是比较起来以上的问题还是应该等待国家制定标准。此外一个折中的方案是国家成立专门的机构快速地对新的方案和建议做出评价并迅速制定标准

split the difference lag evaluate

View1: The recommendations given by scientists are usually controversial or have inconsistent perspectives on same questions, thus can not provide clear directions on actions that companies should adopt,

View 2: changing products and processes too often will inevitably increase cost and lower productivity. Therefore do harm to the companies .

View3: while waiting for government regulations may draw back the processes of solving the problems, it is relatively a better strategy for companies to follow. We can count on the authorities to speed up the process of conversion between scientific discoveries and official regulations.

The speaker argues that because scientists continually shift viewpoints about how our actions affect the natural environment, companies should not change their products and processes according to scientific recommendations until the government requires them to do so. This argument raises complex issues about the duties of business and about regulatory fairness and effectiveness. Although a wait-and-see (adj. 观望的) policy may help companies avoid costly and unnecessary changes, three countervailing considerations compel me to disagree overall with the argument.

First, a regulatory system of environmental protection might not operate equitably. At first glance, a wait-and-see response might seem fair in that all companies would be subject to the same standards and same enforcement measures. However, enforcement requires detection, and while some violators may be caught, others might not. Moreover, a broad regulatory system imposes general standards that may not apply equitably to every company. Suppose, for example, that pollution from a company in a valley does more damage to the environment than similar pollution from a company on the coast. It would seem unfair to require the coastal company to invest as heavily in abatement or, in the extreme (adv. 非常, 极端), to shut down the operation if the company cannot afford abatement measures.

Secondly, the argument assumes that the government regulations will properly reflect scientific recommendations. However, this claim is somewhat dubious. Companies with the most money and political influence, not the scientists, might in some cases dictate regulatory standards. In other words, legislators may be more influenced by political expediency and campaign pork (pork: government money, jobs, or favors used by politicians as patronage)
than by societal concerns.

Thirdly, waiting until government regulations are in place can have disastrous effects on the environment. A great deal of environmental damage can occur before regulations are implemented. This problem is compounded whenever government reaction to scientific evidence is slow. Moreover, the EPA (Environmental Protection Agency 美国环保署) might be overburdened with its detection and enforcement duties, thereby allowing continued environmental damage by companies who have not yet been caught or who appeal penalties.

In conclusion, despite uncertainty within the scientific community about what environmental standards are best, companies should not wait for government regulation before reacting to warnings about environmental problems. The speaker’s recommended approach would in many cases operate inequitably among companies: moreover, it ignores the political-corruption factor as well as the potential environmental damage resulting from bureaucratic delay.


[此贴子已经被作者于2009/7/31 2:43:52编辑过]


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发表于 2009-7-30 21:39:00 | 只看该作者


发表于 2009-7-30 21:41:00 | 只看该作者

能谈谈你的复习经验嘛? 我今天一站失利了,V27刚刚买了一本OG12, 都不知道改看什么了。

 楼主| 发表于 2009-7-30 21:52:00 | 只看该作者



还有fruit 脱水那题,选50









发表于 2009-7-30 21:57:00 | 只看该作者

谢谢LZ呀~~大晚上的 火车上注意安全哈~~

发表于 2009-7-30 21:59:00 | 只看该作者
发表于 2009-7-30 22:00:00 | 只看该作者


这道题很像求并联电路的电阻阿~~~~大家有想法么~~13 3月份考过的好像

 楼主| 发表于 2009-7-30 22:01:00 | 只看该作者


 corn 的价钱因为某国大量用corn 去生产ethonol, 一种替代能源, 而上升. 因此造成本国的农夫全部跑去种corn 而放弃soy bean. 因此soy bean的价格上升. 隔壁国(墨西哥还是某个南美国)的农夫就卯起来种soy bean. 虽然说种这soy bean 对雨林- friendly 但是专家说尽管如此, 雨林还是会受影响. why? 我选了因为地都拿去种soy , 那些ranger 和放牧的就要搬迁(文中没有直接提到 ranger 会对雨林有坏处) 但是其它的都不像只好选这..


有很多complete sentence题,有一题就是salt加碘的题,我想了半天还是没选跟机经一样的



发表于 2009-7-30 22:05:00 | 只看该作者


发表于 2009-7-30 22:08:00 | 只看该作者

俄  还有上回欧们碰到的语法题目~~~lz有印象么

causing那个~~~ 路上当心 回家法帖~~~~

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