分享考古结果, 本人喜欢做RESEARCH,真高兴发现这么全面的分析. 【题目分析】 通过对非营利(not-for-profit)组织员工激励因素的分析,文章将员工努力工作动因(greater motivation)归结为某种位公益服务的信念(the belief)。进而,建议赢利组织向非营利组织借鉴经验。原文推理线路(reasoning line)如下: ∵ not-for-profit: the belief→greater motivation (1) 又∵ not-for-profit = for-profit (2) ∴ for-profit: the belief →motivation and productivity→more profit (3) 【寻找错误】 根据推理线路,可以针对三个推理过程,依次分三个层次来寻找错误: (1)非营利组织的因果推理(causality)存疑:非营利组织员工的工作动因可能来自于其他原因,而不只是某种信念。例如,非营利组织中的固定员工也是实行薪酬制的,所以,他们积极工作的众多理由中,当然包括谋生,而且,相对于赚钱盈利而言,赈灾扶贫等花钱的工作还是相对容易的。 (2)非营利组织与营利组织的可比性(comparability)存疑:即使该汽车制造公司将一部分利润投入公益,仍然不能回避这两种组织存在的固有差异,导致经验不可借鉴。例如,营利组织的员工多为中青年人,生活压力大,需要更多的是利益驱动,来改善生活、养育后代;非营利组织的员工中的志愿者多为老年人或者学生,生活压力较小,需要的是发挥余热或者学习经验。 (3)营利组织的对未来草率预期(expectation)存疑:即使投资公益能够带来员工工作更加积极主动的结果,进一步认为这样就能提高整体利润水平(overall profit)是没有根据的。因为利润等于收入减成本,而这两个变量从原文中无从得知,所以,有可能因为政府税率的提高,而使得利润降低或持平。 【题型总结】 类比题目是GMAT作文 Argument 部分的测试重点,对于类比两方中成功一方,应首先对其经验进行验证;然后,结合双方可能存在的差异,说明即使经验可行,也不能借鉴。 这道题最后出现的利润(profit)问题,是几乎所有商业题材题目中都出现的一个容易得分的错误,所以,准备好一小段专门针对利润问题的段落,是GMAT作文备考的小窍门。 2.The following appeared in a memorandum from the information technology department of a major advertising firm: “The more efficient a firm’s employees are, the more profitable that firm will be. Improvements in a firm’s information technology hardware and software are a proven way to increase the efficiency of employees who do the majority of their work on computers. Therefore, if our firm invests in the most powerful and advanced information technology available, employee productivity will be maximized. This strategy ensures that every dollar spent on enhanced information technology will help to increase our firm’s profit margins.” 【题目分析】 第2题与第1题的出题套路完全相同,只不过,用一般公司的共同经验作为了类比一方,某个特定的广告公司作为类比的另一方。考生可以作为练习题目,参考第1题,进行练习,这里,只给出原文推理线路。 ∵ other firms: IT improvement → efficiency (1) 又∵ other firms = advertisement firm (2) ∴ advertisement firm: powerful and advanced IT →productivity → profit (3) 3. The following appeared in a memorandum to a team developing accounting software for SmartPro Software, Inc.: “Currently, more professional accountants use SmartPro accounting software than any other brand. However, in the market for personal accounting software for non-professionals to use in preparing their income tax returns, many of our competitors are outselling us. In surveys, our professional customers repeatedly say that they have chosen SmartPro Software because our most sophisticated software products include more advanced special features than competing brands. Therefore, the most effective way for us to increase sales of our personal accounting software for home users would clearly be to add the advanced special features that our professional software products currently offer.” 【题目分析】 第3题与前两道题的出题套路基本相同,只不过,把类比双方都归于一个公司名下。下面,考生可以参考上面两道题的推理线路分析,将下面的推理线路完成。 ∵ professional users: _______→prefer SmartPro (1) 又∵ professional users =_______users (2) ∴_______users: add _______→increase sales (3) 4. The following appeared in a memorandum from the marketing department of a children’s clothing manufacturer: “Our HuggyBunny brand is the bestselling brand of children’s clothing. Parents everywhere recognize the HuggyBunny logo as a mark of quality, and most of our customers show great brand loyalty. Sales reports have shown that parents are more likely to buy children’s clothes with the familiar HuggyBunny brand and logo than otherwise identical clothes without it. Therefore, if we use the HuggyBunny brand name and logo for the new line of clothing for teenagers that our company will soon be introducing, that clothing will sell better than it would if we labeled it with a new brand name and logo.” 【题目分析】 第4题与第3题,同出一辙,类比双方——儿童服装和少年服装——都归于一个品牌(HunggyBunny)品牌下,而这两组目标顾客的偏好(preference)实际存在很多差异。 5. The following appeared in a memorandum from the assistant manager of Pageturner Books: “Over the past two years, Pageturner’s profits have decreased by 5 percent, even though we have added a popular café as well as a music section selling CDs and tapes. At the same time, we have experienced an increase in the theft of merchandise. We should therefore follow the example of Thoreau Books, which increased its profits after putting copies of its most frequently stolen books on a high shelf behind the payment counter. By doing likewise with copies of the titles that our staff reported stolen last year, we too can increase profitability.” 【题目分析】 这道题仍然是一道类比题目,与前面四道题的区别在于被借鉴经验的成功者——索罗图书(Thoreau Books)出现在题目的后半部分。 http://www.eduquan.com/english/392/434/20081229320882.html