OG的阅读跟着携隐她们做了第二遍, 今天结束.每组平均时间在35-40分钟, 没有刻意计时. 有的也用了50分钟. 平均错3-5题.
也看了OG解释, 大部分的都明白了(可是好象没什么作用,或许要拿来应用下再看, 我要开始做大全了)
问题是许多的错题居然还是第一遍就错了的, 看来还是有瓶颈没解决, 正在总结中)
OG的第五篇, 关于胚胎形成的决定因素那篇
25. It can be inferred from the passage that the morphogenetic determinants present in the early embryo are( 只能用排除法, 利用OG解释回文章对应, 没戏)
(A) located in the nucleus of the embryo cells
(B) evenly distributed unless the embryo is not developing normally
(C) inactive until the embryo cells become irreversibly committed to their final function
(D) identical to those that were already present in the unfertilized egg
(E) present in larger quantities than is necessary for the development of a single individual