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发表于 2012-11-15 00:44:07 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
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 楼主| 发表于 2012-11-15 00:51:11 | 只看该作者
Whichof the following factors contributes to an enjoyable vacation most? Good food,good location or good friends with you? 2012.04.20NA
Perhaps having a pleasant vacation is one of the most enjoyablethings  for people in the world. Despite various response people may have aboutthe topic which factor contributes the most for a perfect vacation, I, given thechance, prefer to endorse that it is good friends with you that make thevacation, somewhat smooth, interesting, and memorable.

First, a helpful friend is like a magic bag, because when you havetroubles, he or she will always come out and save you from the awkwardsituation. I still remember the accident happened last year when I climbed the MountHua, which is one of the most arduous mountains, accompanied by my room-mates. Onthe way down the hill, I fell down, hurt my knee, and could not walk. Myroommates helped carry my bag and sent me back. So when you encounter anydifficulties in your vacation, a friend with you will save you from unexpected unfortunate.

Furthermore, a pleasant trip could not be without a funny friend.You may have the experience that sharing interesting things along the way,tasting delicious food and taking good photos together are of great enjoyment. Itis dismal finding there is nobody, when you want to share your feelings about,perhaps an exciting things you see on your trip. Moreover, if you are bored, heor she can come up with various methods to make you happy, for example, tellingan interesting story or legends about the destination.

Finally, it is definitely more meaningful and memorable to have afellow, especially someone knowledgeable in your vacation. Some people travelfor fun, for food, for beautiful sightings, while some people travel for a changethat goes on, deep and permanent, in the ideas of living. If there is a friendwho has a better understanding of the significance lies in the vacation and aprofound view of the philosophy in lives, he or she will definitely informs youwith precious  knowledge, and you can learna lot, thus receive a change in the ideas of living after having the vacation.

After ruminating these factors above, I amfully convinced that while food, location are inseparable parts in a vacation,it is undeniable that the accompany of good friends contributes the most in a successfulvacation, because good friends help save people from dilemma, bring happiness,help get a better understanding in idea of living.
发表于 2012-11-15 09:37:59 | 只看该作者
 楼主| 发表于 2012-11-15 09:57:28 | 只看该作者
 楼主| 发表于 2012-11-15 09:59:58 | 只看该作者
The professor actually contradicts the statements made in thepassage. He is of the view that ethanol fuel is a good alternative to gasolinein the United State and offers three specific points.

  First, according to the professor, the use of ethanol fuel will not add tothe global warming. It is admitted that the use of this ethanol fuel releases carbon dioxide, but the total amount of carbon dioxide made by the ethanol will not increase. Since this fuel is made of plants, such as corns, the growing plants actually absorb carbon dioxide as one source of their nutrition.Consequently, the use of this fuel helps reduce the amount of the green house gas.

  Further, contrary to belief in the passage that ethanol dramatically reduces the amount of plants available for other uses, the professor asserts that ethanol does not have to reduce the amount of plants for feeding. To bespecific, ethanol can be made by a kind of plant that will not be eaten by animals, thus will not occupy the part of plants used for feeding.

Finally, the professor also points out that the price of ethanol will compete that of the gasoline in the long run. He said that though the lowprice of this fuel is currently maintained by the support from government, asthe consumption of ethanol keeps growing, the price of it will eventuallydecrease. If the consumption of the ethanol grows three times as much as theamount of now, the price of producing the fuel is likely to drop 40%. Thismakes the final argument in the passage indefensible.

  In conclusion, the contents in the passage are totally jeopardized by the professor, who uses three contradictory points to weaken the argument.
发表于 2012-11-15 10:24:20 | 只看该作者
Which of the following factor contributes to an enjoyable vacation most? Good food,good location or good friends with you? 2012.04.20NA

Perhaps having建议用taking,不知各位观点如何 a pleasant vacation is one of the most enjoyablethings(这里LZ是忘记空格了吧)  for people in the world. Despite various responseresponse是复数吧,这里应该加s people may have aboutthe亲,忘记空格了哦 topic which factor contributes the建议去掉 most for a perfect vacation,用句号比较好 I, given thechance又木有空格,总觉得这个短语读着很别扭,可以换成:”If I get a chance to select, I will…..”这是我的想法,仅供参考哦, prefer to endorse可以去掉,后面直接跟着prefer比较好 that it is good friends with you that make is good friends…单复数错误。2. thevacation忘记空格。3.句子想表达的意思可以理解,但是表达上有问题, somewhat smooth用来形容vacation似乎不怎么恰当, interesting, and memorable.

First, a helpful friend is like a magic bag, because when you havetroubles
空格, he or she will always come out and save you from the awkwardsituation空格. I still remember the accident happened last year when I climbed the MountHua空格, which is one of the most arduous这个词好像多形容工作或者任务什么的经历严峻考验,形容山的话,用steep貌似更恰当一些 mountains, accompanied by建议换成with my room-mates中间不需要加“-”,直接写成roommate就好. Onthe空格 way down the hill, I fell down, hurt(建议换成injured my knee, and could not walk. Myroommates空格 helped carry my bag and sent me back. So when you encounter anydifficulties空格 in your vacation, a friend with you will save you from unexpected unfortunate后面应该跟个名词才是.

Furthermore, a pleasant trip could not be without a funny friend.You may have the experience that sharing interesting things along the way,tasting
逗号后木有空格 delicious food and taking good photos together are of great enjoyment. It is空格 dismal finding there is nobodyfinding后应该加that, when you want to share your feelings about,perhaps an exciting things you see on your trip. Moreover, if you are bored, heor这个是人名吗?she如果heor是人名,那这句俩个主语叠加且中间没有任何连词神马的,不对啊 can come up with various methods to make you happy, for example, tellingan空格,这里tell不应该加ing interesting story or legends about the destination.

Finally, it is definitely more meaningful and memorable to have afellow
空格, especially someone knowledgeable in your vacation. Some people travelfor空格 fun, for food, for beautiful sightings去掉s, while some people travel for a changethat空格goes去掉es on, deep and permanent, in the ideas of living. If there is a friendwho空格 has a better understanding of the significance lies in the vacation and aprofound空格 view of the philosophy in lives, he or she will definitely informs youwith空格 precious  knowledge, and you can learna拼写错误 lot, thus receive a change in the ideas of living after having the vacation.

After ruminating these factors above, I amfully
空格 convinced that while建议改成though food, location are inseparable parts in a vacation,it is undeniable that the accompany of good friends contributes the most in a successfulvacation空格, because good friends help save people from dilemma, bring happiness,help get a better understanding in idea of living.






 楼主| 发表于 2012-11-15 10:36:18 | 只看该作者
Which of the following factor contributes to an enjoyable vacation most? Good food,good location or good friends with you? 2012.04.20NA

Perhaps having建议用taking,不知各位观点如何 a pleasant vacation is one of the most enjoyablethings(这里LZ是忘记空格了吧)  for people in the world. Despite various responseresponse是复数吧,这里应该加s people may have aboutthe亲,忘记空格了哦 topic which factor contributes the建议去掉 most for a perfect vacation,用句号比较好 I, given thechance又木有空格,总觉得这个短语读着很别扭,可以换成:”If I get a chance to select, I will…..”这是我的想法,仅供参考哦, prefer to endorse可以去掉,后面直接跟着prefer比较好 that it is good friends with you that make is good friends…单复数错误。2. thevacation忘记空格。3.句子想表达的意思可以理解,但是表达上有问题, somewhat smooth用来形容vacation似乎不怎么恰当, interesting, and memorable.

First, a helpful friend is like a magic bag, because when you havetroubles
空格, he or she will always come out and save you from the awkwardsituation空格. I still remember the accident happened last year when I climbed the MountHua空格, which is one of the most arduous这个词好像多形容工作或者任务什么的经历严峻考验,形容山的话,用steep貌似更恰当一些 mountains, accompanied by建议换成with my room-mates中间不需要加“-”,直接写成roommate就好. Onthe空格 way down the hill, I fell down, hurt(建议换成injured my knee, and could not walk. Myroommates空格 helped carry my bag and sent me back. So when you encounter anydifficulties空格 in your vacation, a friend with you will save you from unexpected unfortunate后面应该跟个名词才是.

Furthermore, a pleasant trip could not be without a funny friend.You may have the experience that sharing interesting things along the way,tasting
逗号后木有空格 delicious food and taking good photos together are of great enjoyment. It is空格 dismal finding there is nobodyfinding后应该加that, when you want to share your feelings about,perhaps an exciting things you see on your trip. Moreover, if you are bored, heor这个是人名吗?she如果heor是人名,那这句俩个主语叠加且中间没有任何连词神马的,不对啊 can come up with various methods to make you happy, for example, tellingan空格,这里tell不应该加ing interesting story or legends about the destination.

Finally, it is definitely more meaningful and memorable to have afellow
空格, especially someone knowledgeable in your vacation. Some people travelfor空格 fun, for food, for beautiful sightings去掉s, while some people travel for a changethat空格goes去掉es on, deep and permanent, in the ideas of living. If there is a friendwho空格 has a better understanding of the significance lies in the vacation and aprofound空格 view of the philosophy in lives, he or she will definitely informs youwith空格 precious  knowledge, and you can learna拼写错误 lot, thus receive a change in the ideas of living after having the vacation.

After ruminating these factors above, I amfully
空格 convinced that while建议改成though food, location are inseparable parts in a vacation,it is undeniable that the accompany of good friends contributes the most in a successfulvacation空格, because good friends help save people from dilemma, bring happiness,help get a better understanding in idea of living.






-- by 会员 苗苗心圃G (2012/11/15 10:24:20)

发表于 2012-11-15 11:09:47 | 只看该作者
发表于 2012-11-15 20:55:35 | 只看该作者

The professor actually contradicts the statements made in the passage. He is of the view that ethanol fuel is a good alternative to gasolinein(小粗心) the United State and offers three specific points.

First, according to the professor, the use of ethanol fuel will not add to the global warming. It is admitted that the use of this ethanol fuel releases carbon dioxide, but the total amount of carbon dioxide made by the ethanol will not increase. Since this fuel is made of plants, such as corns, the growing plants actually absorb carbon dioxide as one source of their nutrition. Consequently, the use of this fuel helps reduce the amount of the green house gas.

Further, contrary to belief (建议前面加个the限定下)in the passage that ethanol dramatically reduces the amount of plants available for other uses, the professor asserts that ethanol does not have to reduce the amount of plants for feeding. To be specific, ethanol can be made by a kind of plant that will not be eaten by animals, thus will not occupy the part of plants used for feeding.

Finally, the professor also points out that the price of ethanol will compete that of the gasoline in the long run. He said that though the low price of this fuel is currently maintained by the support from government, as the consumption of ethanol keeps growing, the price of it will eventually decrease. If the consumption(亮点词汇) of the ethanol grows three times as much as the amount of (去掉of)now, the price of producing the fuel is likely to drop 40%. This makes the final argument in the passage indefensible.(亮点词汇)

In conclusion, the contents in the passage are totally jeopardized by the professor, who uses three contradictory points to weaken the argument.(总结简洁有力)

这篇综合听写不错, 语言功底扎实. Excellent ! 建议把你那个professor多换换吧~特多了点~

 楼主| 发表于 2012-11-15 22:08:40 | 只看该作者

The professor actually contradicts the statements made in the passage. He is of the view that ethanol fuel is a good alternative to gasolinein(小粗心) the United State and offers three specific points.

First, according to the professor, the use of ethanol fuel will not add to the global warming. It is admitted that the use of this ethanol fuel releases carbon dioxide, but the total amount of carbon dioxide made by the ethanol will not increase. Since this fuel is made of plants, such as corns, the growing plants actually absorb carbon dioxide as one source of their nutrition. Consequently, the use of this fuel helps reduce the amount of the green house gas.

Further, contrary to belief (建议前面加个the限定下)in the passage that ethanol dramatically reduces the amount of plants available for other uses, the professor asserts that ethanol does not have to reduce the amount of plants for feeding. To be specific, ethanol can be made by a kind of plant that will not be eaten by animals, thus will not occupy the part of plants used for feeding.

Finally, the professor also points out that the price of ethanol will compete that of the gasoline in the long run. He said that though the low price of this fuel is currently maintained by the support from government, as the consumption of ethanol keeps growing, the price of it will eventually decrease. If the consumption(亮点词汇) of the ethanol grows three times as much as the amount of (去掉of)now, the price of producing the fuel is likely to drop 40%. This makes the final argument in the passage indefensible.(亮点词汇)

In conclusion, the contents in the passage are totally jeopardized by the professor, who uses three contradictory points to weaken the argument.(总结简洁有力)

这篇综合听写不错, 语言功底扎实. Excellent ! 建议把你那个professor多换换吧~特多了点~

-- by 会员 lizchang1990 (2012/11/15 20:55:35)

不看不知道,professor确实有点多,决定second point里的给换掉。非常谢谢~
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