With its abundance of noun inflections, Icelandic is one of several Germanic languages that is compact when written but can lengthen considerably when translated into English. (A) is compact when written but can lengthen considerably when translated into English (B) are compact when they are written, but they can lengthen considerably when they are translated in English (C) is compact when written but can lengthen considerably when being translated into English (D) are compact when written but can lengthen considerably in English translation (E) is compact when it is written but can lengthen considerably when translated in English
我当时选的是c,因为觉得that是指代Icelandic,现在还想问一下,c中的这种表述方式“but can lengthen considerably when being translated into English”算不算不简洁?
没有D 的表达简洁。
With its abundance of noun inflections, Icelandic is one of several Germanic languages that is compact when written but can lengthen considerably when translated into English.
one of +noun that...的结构中,此时的that修饰noun,本题中languages 显然是复数,直接排除A,C,E。 而如果one前面有the only(first,last)修饰的话,that修饰one. 这也是一个规则,记下很有用!