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发表于 2019-7-18 12:14:09 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
今天在北京皮尔森考的。q51 v33 710暂分。
这次数学不难,但是坑多。V的话,我真的很菜,也不多说什么了,考完verbal真的崩溃了,感觉也就25吧,崩溃到去厕所冷静了好一会,回来又坐了好久,老师叫我才回去继续考试。btw不是一战了,第一次裸考,670,第二次看esr  SC很差,其他还行,就只复习了SC,结果650.看esr,SC正确率80+,但是cr全错了,一个都没对。好在这次暂时分手了。希望大家都早日分手


坐稳:一个手机商,说生产手机要用很多的expensive materials,但它的价格经常dramatically rise or fall。所以他提出要买很多很多这种材料囤货,来保证未来的利润。

悦读  我语文不太好,仅供参考。

第一篇是那个job embedded那个,之前看构筑提到了,就是说以前认为影响离职率有什么job satisfaction,什么的忘了。然后一个科学家提出了job embedded的概念,离职率由三个因素影响,一个是社交,一个是跟生活的联系,一个是离职需要放弃的东西。记不太清了,但不难。第二段就是解释。整体文章不难。有一个问下面那个人有least job embedded,我选的那个工作需要经常出差的。别的题忘了。

还有一篇顾客loyalty 和cost的,跟jj不一样,两段,是说之前认为商店为loyal customers的cost会小,但第二段说了一个研究,发现不是,反而商店对loyal customers的花销要大。



CR  有一个题说一个train还是bus忘了,是两个town之间直达的,但因为修路,所以要绕市里,就多了很多站,所以ridership就会增加,结论是total revenue会增加。问削弱,我选的是在main district里票价低,不确定对不对,我用排除法做的,其他四个都不无关我觉得。
还有一个  研究发现左手写字的70以上的人远远少于20岁以下的人,但不能说明左手写字短命,是因为以前他们的父母会force他们改用右手。增强。我选的是,他们一旦被force去改用右手,以后就不会再改回用左手了。我觉得对。
还有一个广告的,一个公司的人说,广告做的越多,投入越大,那观众就觉得这个公司财务状况,产品质量越好。但这个公司的广告投入小于其他相似企业,所以计划明年增加广告投入。是一个evaluate的题。我选的是wether other companies will change他们的广告投入 next year,相当于环境改变吧。

1. DS:一个人买了一件衬衣less than x dollars,然后又交了y%的税。他总共给了两张20美元的现金,问找的零钱是否greater than 18 dollars. 条件一 x=21 条件二y=7.注意这个题很容易选both together!但题干说的是less than x!所以选E
2. 400个公司,70%有more than 10 vice president,40%有more than2000 employees,问既有大于十个vice的也有大于2000员工的公司的范围。40-160 确定
3. 之前构筑提到过,能不能确定这个integer有几个prime factor.

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发表于 2019-7-18 13:09:53 | 只看该作者
发表于 2019-7-18 13:27:01 | 只看该作者
发表于 2019-7-18 19:54:44 | 只看该作者
Why People Stay: Using Job Embeddedness to Predict Voluntary TurnoverTerence R. Mitchell, Brooks C. Holtom, Thomas W. Lee, Chris J. Sablynski and Miriam Erez
The Academy of Management Journal
Vol. 44, No. 6 (Dec., 2001), pp. 1102-1121
Published by: Academy of Management
DOI: 10.2307/3069391
Page Count: 20


第一篇是那个job embedded那个,之前看构筑提到了,就是说以前认为影响离职率有什么job satisfaction,什么的忘了。然后一个科学家提出了job embedded的概念,离职率由三个因素影响,
记不太清了,但不难。第二段就是解释。整体文章不难。有一个问下面那个人有least job embedded,我选的那个工作需要经常出差的。别的题忘了。

A new construct, entitled "job embeddedness," is introduced. It includes individuals' (1) links to other people, teams, and groups, (2) perceptions of their fit with job, organization, and community, and (3) what they say they would have to sacrifice if they left their jobs. We developed a measure of job embeddedness with two samples. The results show that job embeddedness predicts the key outcomes of both intent to leave and "voluntary turnover" and explains significant incremental variance over and above job satisfaction, organizational commitment, job alternatives, and job search.

Hypothesis 1. Job embeddedness is negatively correlated with employee intent to leave and subsequent voluntary turnover.

Hypothesis 2. Job embeddedness improves the prediction of voluntary turnover, going above and beyond that accounted for by job satisfaction and organizational commitment.

Hypothesis 3. Job embeddedness accounts for prediction of voluntary turnover that is above and beyond that accounted for by perceived alternatives and job search.

Job embeddedness may also be related to other dependent variables. Although it was designed specifically to predict why people stay on a job (and in that sense, its purpose is different from those of other constructs, such as job satisfaction and organizational identity), job embeddedness may also predict variables that are similarly beneficial to organizations. People who are more embedded, for  example, may be absent less, work harder, perform  better, and engage in more organizational citizenship behaviors than people who are less embedded.  These questions merit further research.

A final conceptual issue that needs attention is whether job embeddedness could actually facilitate  leaving. There are two rather indirect ways this could happen. First, people having many links are likely "well networked." Strong networks, especially off-the-job, might lead to unsolicited job  offers or knowledge about other positions. Also,  being highly embedded at work might lead to work-family role conflicts, and such conflicts might result in turnover. Thus, although job embeddedness focuses on how stuck employees are in their current situations, such stuckness might result in secondary circumstances that eventually cause them  to leave.

A more general critical question is why researchers and others should care about embeddedness.  How important is it? What does it add to the literature and to our understanding of leaving and staying? Obviously, one argument for its importance is the statistical findings that support the hypotheses. However, one could argue that these increments are  not terribly large and may not be large enough to warrant the use of a new construct and a new measure.

We think there are at least three reasons, besides the data, that support its conceptual value. First, job embeddedness captures some theoretical ideas  (supported by recent research) that off-the-job and nonaffective factors can influence turnover. Thus, the embeddedness construct reflects some current thinking about retention. It adds coherence (or clarity) to the extensive list of work and nonwork factors that create forces for staying on a job.

Second, thinking about job embeddedness is quite different from thinking about increasing satisfaction or commitment. That is, the levers or factors that researchers, as well as managers, need for managing turnover are conceptually very different. For example, links to organization can be increased by making people mentors and putting them on long-term projects. Links and fit to community can be influenced by providing resources and support  for community activities and involvement. On- and off-the-job perks linked to longevity can increase  sacrifice issues. Thus, job embeddedness points theory, research, and practice in some new directions.

Third, other approaches (e.g., Lee & Mitchell,  1994) have suggested that many people leave their jobs for reasons other than dissatisfaction (shocks,  or specific events, are a key example) and many people leave without doing a job search. Being less embedded does not push an employee to leave a job as dissatisfaction does (for instance, someone can have a low level of embeddedness but be satisfied  with a job). What low levels of embeddedness may do is make employees susceptible to shocks and  dissatisfaction-if they occur, it is easier to search and/or leave. Thus, understanding how embeddedness might deflect shocks and diminish job search  may increase understanding of turnover.

In summary, we believe that this study makes an  important contribution to the organizational attachment literature. It suggests some new and intriguing ways to think about employee retention. Apparently, being embedded in an organization and a  community is associated with reduced intent to  leave and reduced actual leaving. These findings appear to support the current emphasis in the academic and popular press on the need for organizations to be concerned with employees' lives both  on and off the job. It also suggests that a focus on  money and job satisfaction as the levers for retention may be too limited. Many nonfinancial and  nonattitudinal factors place people in networks of  forces that keep them in their jobs. Further pursuit  of these ideas will, we hope, increase understanding of why people stay, why they leave, and how  those actions can be influenced.


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发表于 2019-7-18 20:04:22 | 只看该作者
谢谢LZ~~Q51的大神 摩拜~
 楼主| 发表于 2019-7-18 22:17:55 来自手机 | 只看该作者
bzy! 发表于 2019-7-18 19:54
Why People Stay: Using Job Embeddedness to Predict Voluntary TurnoverTerence R. Mitc ...

不是原文~原文是先说的别的 然后提到了这个 原文很短 只有两段 但那三点你高亮的几乎一样!
 楼主| 发表于 2019-7-18 22:22:37 来自手机 | 只看该作者
感谢上面贴出论文的层主~我仔细看了一下 又回响一下  第一段引出那个概念 说了三点因素 第二段说了两点,一个是会让人们有更大的network,就更倾向于离职,一个是会引起家庭矛盾 然后导致离职。我把重要内容贴在下面 几乎就是原文啦!
A new construct, entitled "job embeddedness," is introduced. It includes individuals' (1) links to other people, teams, and groups, (2) perceptions of their fit with job, organization, and community, and (3) what they say they would have to sacrifice if they left their jobs.

First, people having many links are likely "well networked." Strong networks, especially off-the-job, might lead to unsolicited job  offers or knowledge about other positions. Also,  being highly embedded at work might lead to work-family role conflicts, and such conflicts might result in turnover. Thus, although job embeddedness focuses on how stuck employees are in their current situations, such stuckness might result in secondary circumstances that eventually cause them  to leave.
发表于 2019-7-18 22:29:47 | 只看该作者
 楼主| 发表于 2019-7-18 23:55:10 来自手机 | 只看该作者
sylvia167 发表于 2019-7-18 22:29

不冷 皮尔森的温度很适宜 穿正常短袖就可以 我穿的长裤不热 短裤应该也不冷
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