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发表于 2011-10-31 00:14:21 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式

58. Neither a rising standard of living nor balanced trade, by itself, establishes a country’s ability to compete in
the international marketplace. Both are required simultaneously since standards of living can rise because of
growing trade deficits and trade can be balanced by means of a decline in a country’s standard of living.
If the facts stated in the passage above are true, a proper test of a country’s ability to be competitive is its
ability to
(A) balance its trade while its standard of living rises
(B) balance its trade while its standard of living falls
(C) increase trade deficits while its standard of living rises
(D) decrease trade deficits while its standard of living falls
(E) keep its standard of living constant while trade deficits rise.

59.Certain messenger molecules fight damage to the lungs from noxious air by telling the muscle cells encircling
the lungs’ airways to contract. This partially seals off the lungs. An asthma attack occurs when the
messenger molecules are activated unnecessarily, in response to harmless things like pollen or household
Which of the following, if true, points to the most serious flaw of a plan to develop a medication that would
prevent asthma attacks by blocking receipt of any messages sent by the messenger molecules referred to
(A) Researchers do not yet know how the body produces the messenger molecules that trigger asthma
(B) Researchers do not yet know what makes one person’s messenger molecules more easily activated than
(C) Such a medication would not become available for several years, because of long lead times in both
development and manufacture.
(D) Such a medication would be unable to distinguish between messages triggered by pollen and household
dust and messages triggered by noxious air.
(E) Such a medication would be a preventative only and would be unable to alleviate an asthma attack once
it had started.

60. Since the routine use of antibiotics can give rise to resistant bacteria capable of surviving antibiotic
environments, the presence of resistant bacteria in people could be due to the human use of prescription
antibiotics. Some scientists, however, believe that most resistant bacteria in people derive from human
consumption of bacterially infected meat.
Which of the following statements, if true, would most significantly strengthen the hypothesis of the
(A) Antibiotics are routinely included in livestock feed so that livestock producers can increase the rate of
growth of their animals.
(B) Most people who develop food poisoning from bacterially infected meat are treated with prescription
(C) The incidence of resistant bacteria in people has tended to be much higher in urban areas than in rural
areas where meat is of comparable quality.
(D) People who have never taken prescription antibiotics are those least likely to develop resistant bacteria.
(E) Livestock producers claim that resistant bacteria in animals cannot be transmitted to people through
infected meat.

61. The recent decline in the value of the dollar was triggered by a prediction of slower economic growth in the
coming year. But that prediction would not have adversely affected the dollar had it not been for the
government’s huge budget deficit, which must therefore be decreased to prevent future currency declines.
Which of the following, if true, would most seriously weaken the conclusion about how to prevent future
currency declines?
(A) The government has made little attempt to reduce the budget deficit.
(B) The budget deficit has not caused a slowdown in economic growth.
(C) The value of the dollar declined several times in the year prior to the recent prediction of slower economic
(D) Before there was a large budget deficit, predictions of slower economic growth frequently caused
declines in the dollar’s value.
(E) When there is a large budget deficit, other events in addition to predictions of slower economic growth
sometimes trigger declines in currency value.

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 楼主| 发表于 2011-10-31 00:15:17 | 只看该作者
The passage states that a country capable of competing in the international marketplace must balance trade
while its standard country’s ability to compete in the international marketplace will establish that both of these
conditions are met simultaneously. Since neither choice B, nor choice C, nor choice D, nor choice E describes
tests that incorporate both of these criteria, these answers are inappropriate. Choice A, which describes a test
that does, is the best answer.
The medication to be developed is intended to prevent asthma attacks by suppressing the natural action of
certain molecules in the lungs. Choice D asserts that this suppression would occur not only when the molecules’
action is superfluous, but also when it is necessary. This would be a serious flaw in the medication, so D is the
best answer.
Choices A and B refer to a lack of knowledge about how the messenger molecules are produced or activated,
but not about how they act in the lungs. Choice C describes how long the development might takes, but does not
rule out the possibility of success. Choice E asserts merely that the medication would be unable to do something
it was not intended to do.
If livestock are routinely fed antibiotics, as choice A states, meat from livestock is likely to contain the resistant
bacteria, since any routine of antibiotics can result in resistant bacteria. Thus, choice A is the best answer.
How cases of food poisoning are treated (choice B) fails to indicate whether the infecting bacteria are resistant
bacteria. Choice C suggests that meat consumption is not the primary culprit for the high incidence of resistant
bacteria. Choice D tends to support the competing hypothesis that prescription antibiotics are responsible.
Choice E asserts that livestock farmers claim that the hypothesis is false, but it provides no basis for evaluating
the truth of the claim.
The argument assumes that a particular predict can cause a currency decline only if accompanied by a large
budget deficit. Since choice D states that this prediction can cause a currency decline without a large budget
deficit, choice D is the best answer.
That a method is not fully implemented does not imply that the method is ineffective. Thus, choice A is
inappropriate. Since no slowdown in economic growth is asserted, what might cause such a slowdown is
irrelevant. Thus, choice B is inappropriate. Since C supports the claim that a budget deficit is the underlying
cause of the currency decline, C is inappropriate. Choice E is inappropriate because it supports the claim that a
decrease in the budget deficit is necessary.
发表于 2011-10-31 04:59:56 | 只看该作者
P: Neither a balanced trade nor a rising standard living can compete in the international market.
C: Standard of living can rise because of growing deficit and the balanced trade.
A: A

P: Certain messengers can seal the lungs to protect it against the damage.
C: However, the asthma can occur when the unnecessary messengers seal the lungs

P:People use antibiotic to resist the bacteria, and the bacteria become resistant due to the massive use of human's antibiotic resistance.
C: The scientists conclude that the resistant bacteria derive from the consumption of infected meat.
S: The livestock are feed on food with antibiotic treatment.
A: A

P: The value of dollar currency has decreased is a prediction of the next year's slower economic growth.
C: The value of dollar currency would not be affected by the prediction.
A: D
发表于 2011-10-31 14:19:12 | 只看该作者
P:neither by itself:competitive
C:both are required.

medication can block receipt of any messages sent by the messenger molecules triggered by pollen and household
dust, therefore, it can prevent asthma attacks.

a.from routine use of antibiotics
b.from consumption of bacterially infected meat
S:Antibiotics are routinely included in livestock feed

发表于 2011-10-31 15:26:36 | 只看该作者
4 做错 当时没有看懂最后那句话
conclusion:if there is no huge deficit, the prediction will not affect  the dollar
发表于 2011-11-2 13:26:32 | 只看该作者
p:nether rising standard of living or balanced trade by itself can compete
C:both are needed

P:An asthma attack occurs when the messenger molecules are activated unnecessarily
C:the way  to prevent asthma attacks is to develop a medication that would
block receipt of any messages sent by the messenger molecules

PPH:such plan may block messengers fighting damage to the lungs

P: resistant bacteria in people could be due to the human use of prescription

C:most resistant bacteria in people derive from human consumption of bacterially infected meat instead of prescription antibiotics怎么看都不像是conclusion,应该是与前面意思相悖的另一种观点吧

P:a prediction of slower economic growth will trigger the decline in the value of the dollar
C:the decrease of government’s huge budget deficit will prevent future currency declines
The argument assumes that a particular predict can cause a currency decline only if accompanied  by a largebudget deficit. Since choice D states that this prediction can cause a currency decline without a large budget deficit, choice D is the best answer.
发表于 2011-11-2 14:14:30 | 只看该作者
原来是忽视了那句But that prediction would not have adversely affected the dollar had it not been for the government’s huge budget deficit的条件关系
发表于 2012-9-7 19:50:30 | 只看该作者


这题重点在说 huge budget deficit影响dollar贬值。不是因为prediction.

slower economic growth in the coming year.
conclusion--> But that prediction would not have adversely affected the dollar had it not been for the
government’s huge budget deficit, which must therefore be decreased to prevent future currency declines.

which 就近修士defict。政府是要减少deficit来prevent future currency declines.
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