In a certain wildlife park, park rangers are able to track the movements of many rhinoceroses because those animals wear radio collars. When, as often happens, a collar slips off, it is put back on. Putting a collar on a rhinoceros involves immobilizing the animal by shooting it with a tranquilizer dart. Female rhinoceroses that have been frequently recollared have significantly lower fertility rates than uncollared females. Probably, therefore, some substance in the tranquilizer inhibits fertility.
In evaluating the argument, it would be most useful to determine which of the following?
In a certain wildlife park, park rangers are able to track the movements of many rhinoceroses because those animals wear radio collars. When, as often happens, a collar slips off, it is put back on. Putting a collar on a rhinoceros involves immobilizing the animal by shooting it with a tranquilizer dart. Female rhinoceroses that have been frequently recollared have significantly lower fertility rates than uncollared females. Probably, therefore, some substance in the tranquilizer inhibits fertility.
In evaluating the argument, it would be most useful to determine which of the following?
A.Whether there are more collared female rhinoceroses than uncollared female rhinoceroses in the park
B.How the tranquilizer that is used for immobilizing rhinoceroses differs, if at all, from tranquilizers used in working with other large mammals
C.How often park rangers need to use tranquilizer darts to immobilize rhinoceroses for reasons other than attaching radio collars
D.Whether male rhinoceroses in the wildlife park lose their collars any more often than the park's female rhinoceroses do
E.Whether radio collars are the only practical means that park rangers have for tracking the movements of rhinoceroses in the park
前提:transquilizer和lower fertility rates存在正相关关系
结论:some substance in transquilizer inhibits fertility(transquilizer导致lower fertility rates)
而针对上题的正确选项C:How often park rangers need to use tranquilizer darts to immobilize rhinoceroses for reasons other than attaching radio collars
前提(果):Female rhinoceroses that have been frequently recollared have significantly lower fertility rates than uncollared females
结论(因):some substance in transquilizer inhibits fertility
逻辑链:More frequently recollared---> lower fertility rates--->some substance in transquilizer inhibits fertility
也就是More frequently recollared---> some substance in transquilizer inhibits fertility
前提结论中有个gap:这个推理建立在一个Assumption上: recollar是唯一获得substance in transquilizer的机会。要削弱结论,就质疑这个Assumption。假设是结论成立的必要条件,根据“无之必不然”,则假设为假,结论必为假。
C就是对假设发问:recollar是唯一获得substance in transquilizer的机会吗?
但是这道题我当时有点卡在这个选项的是:选项只是说了是否会因为别的原因用麻醉,那么就是不管是什么原因,他们的共同点都是用了麻醉。好,再看结论,最后一句:The substance in the transquilizer inhibits fertility. 那么也就是说讨论的是麻醉剂里的物质会致不育咯,然后选项中问的,就是不论哪种方法归根结底都是用麻醉啊。。。。 是不是这个选项其实不能很好的evaluate呢。。。说的有点语无伦次。。。不知道能不能明白我的意思。。。