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发表于 2022-10-13 00:32:49 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式

看不懂en做 那不叫做题,那叫祈祷




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Why OE is tempting - 错因/难点


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 楼主| 发表于 2022-10-13 02:33:19 | 只看该作者
Source:CR 200
Certain genetically modified strains of maize produce a powerful natural insecticide. The insecticide occurs throughout the plant, including its pollen. Maize pollen is dispersed by the wind and frequently blows onto milkweed plants that grow near maize fields. Caterpillars of monarch butterflies feed exclusively on milkweed leaves. When these caterpillars are fed milkweed leaves dusted with pollen from modified maize plants, they die. Therefore, by using genetically modified maize, farmers put monarch butterflies at risk.
Which of the following would it be most useful to determine in order to evaluate the argument?
(A) Whether the natural insecticide is as effective against maize-eating insects as commercial insecticides typically used on maize are
(B) Whether the pollen of genetically modified maize contains as much insecticide as other parts of these plants
(C) Whether monarch butterfly caterpillars are actively feeding during the part of the growing season when maize is releasing pollen
(D) Whether insects that feed on genetically modified maize plants are likely to be killed by insecticide from the plant’s pollen
(E) Whether any maize-eating insects compete with monarch caterpillars for the leaves of milkweed plants growing near maize fields

1.The insecticide occurs throughout the plant, including its pollen.occur除了发生
还有存在的意思to exist or be <a  target="_blank">present</a> in, among, etc.:
2.When these caterpillars are fed milkweed leaves 【dusted with pollen】 from modified maize plants, they die

花粉会飘到隔壁MP,C以P为食,当C吃了撒有 M的MP叶子,then寄
用了 M,C危险危险危险


Expert Ninja
The passage said the farmers were putting the caterpillars at risk because the caterpillars were eating the insecticide filled pollen from the genetically modified maize. If the caterpillars are NOT eating the pollen because they do not eat the milkweed leaves when the pollen is being released, then we can't say the farmers are putting the caterpillars at risk.

Knowing whether monarch butterfly caterpillars feed on leaves of the milkweed plant when the maize is releasing pollen would help us evaluate the argument. This is why (C) is the answer to this question.

 楼主| 发表于 2022-10-13 03:20:28 | 只看该作者
题型: Explain
In Runagia, The population of retired people receiving government pensions will increase by 5 percent over the next ten years, whereas population of working people will remain relatively constant. Government pensions are paid for entirely by a special pension tax on workers’ incomes. It does not follow that Runagia will have to increase tax rates on working people, however, since________.

(A) the average government pension in Runagia increased significantly over the past ten years
(B) immigration to Runagia has remained constant over the past ten years,
(C) a new tax enforcement policy is expected to lead to a significant decrease in the number of people who do not pay the special pension tax on their income
(D) the average number of years during which retired people collect government pensions in Runagia is expected to rise in the near future
(E) retired people in Runagia who receive government pensions typically pay taxes on any other income they receive aside from their pensions

选项CDE没有一遍读懂 or TBH 2遍
(C) a new tax enforcement policy is expected to lead to a significant decrease in the number of people who do not pay the special pension tax on their income
1. a new tax enforcement policy —> 不是The tax policy mentioned in the text (text里边也妹有mention任何tax policy, 只是说不一定要increase tax rate on the situation that working population不变 but 退休人数上升)
2. 注意modifier,modifier限定了啥人数量减少了,是那些who do not pay the special pension tax on their income数量减少了 而政府养老金的来源就是the special pension tax

(D) the average number of years during which retired people collect government pensions in Runagia is expected to rise in the near future
during which 在CR RC中看到直接当that处理
方向反了呀 不能解释这discrepancy反倒是更迷惑了

(E) retired people in Runagia who receive government pensions typically pay taxes on any other income they receive aside from their pensions

- The population of retired people receiving government pensions will increase by 5 percent over the next ten years
- population of working people will remain relatively constant.
- Government pensions are paid for entirely by a special pension tax on workers’ incomes.
Discrepancy: It does not follow that Runagia will have to increase tax rates on working people
欸 那钱从何来呢

 楼主| 发表于 2022-10-13 03:56:08 | 只看该作者
Science journalist: A study led by Dr. Elaine Hardman shows that consuming walnuts reduces the risk of breast cancer in at least some types of mice. The study compared the effects of a typical diet and a diet containing walnuts. During the study period, the group whose diet included walnuts developed breast cancer at less than half the rate of the typical-diet group. In addition, the number and sizes of tumors were significantly smaller.

Which of the following would, if true, most undermine the journalist's reasoning?

(A) The mice used in the study received the walnuts directly as food and indirectly through their mothers when they were in utero and while they were nursing.
(B) The amount of walnuts in the daily test diet equates to about two human servings of walnuts.
(C) Walnuts contain multiple ingredients that, individually, have been shown in other studies to reduce the risk of cancer or slow its growth.
(D) In the study’s mice, the walnut-containing diet changed the activity of multiple genes that are relevant to breast cancer in both mice and humans.
(E) To keep total dietary fat balanced in the mouse groups, unhealthy fats that lower resistance to disease were reduced by an amount equal to the amount of healthy fats added by the walnuts.


方法:The study compared the effects of a typical diet and a diet containing walnuts.
1. During the study period, the group whose diet included walnuts developed breast cancer at less than half the rate of the typical-diet group.
2. The number and sizes of tumors were significantly smaller.
A study led by Dr. Elaine Hardman shows that consuming walnuts reduces the risk of breast cancer in at least some types of mice.
果 - the group whose diet included walnuts developed breast cancer at less than half the rate of the typical-diet group.
因 - walnuts reduces the risk of breast cancer
1. 因果倒置 这里不行 不能是因为没有cancer才吃坚果
2. 找他因
3. 有因无果
4. 有果无因
5. 数据错误

意思就是 unhealthy fats 减少了 -- 他因
先生你好小姐你好 妹有解析,把E选项背了

 楼主| 发表于 2022-10-13 05:21:13 发自 iPad 设备 | 只看该作者
11. Sodium sulfate has long been used in powdered laundry detergents as a filler to add bulk, and has also been used in concentrated liquid detergents in lesser amounts. As concentrated liquid detergents become increasingly popular, detergent manufacturers have been buying less sodium sulfate. Yet within the last year sodium sulfate producers have been surprised by an increase in demand from detergent manufacturers, given that sales of powdered laundry detergent remained unchanged.

In light of the information given, which of the following, if true, most helps to explain the increased demand for sodium sulfate?

(A) Many consumers who own older washing machines believe that the concentrated liquid detergents are unsuitable for use in their machines.
(B) There are no ingredients less expensive than sodium sulfate that detergent manufacturers could use in place of it in their powdered laundry detergents.
(C) Detergent manufacturers will often sell both a powdered detergent and a concentrated liquid detergent under the same brand name, even though the two products are obviously not exactly the same.
(D) Detergent manufacturers have discovered that increasing the amount of sodium sulfate in concentrated liquid detergents makes it possible to omit certain more expensive ingredients.
(E) One of the reasons powdered and liquid detergents contain bulk fillers is to make it unnecessary for consumers to measure precisely the amount of detergent they need to use.

Fact 1/ Sodium sulfate has long been used
1. in powdered laundry detergents as a filler to add bulk,
2. in concentrated liquid detergents in lesser amounts.
Fact 2/  concentrated liquid detergents become increasingly popular, detergent manufacturers have been buying less sodium sulfate.
Fact 3/ Yet within the last year sodium sulfate producers have been surprised by an increase in demand from detergent manufacturers, given that sales of powdered laundry detergent remained unchanged.
洗衣液变得更受欢迎 —> buy less S
问你为什么在【洗衣液销量上升but用S少】& 【洗衣粉的销量不变】的情况下;
detergent manufacturer【整个industry 包括洗衣液&洗衣粉】对S的demand上升了

OA:Detergent manufacturers have discovered that increasing the amount of sodium sulfate in concentrated liquid detergents makes it possible to omit certain more expensive ingredients.
洗衣液中添加s可以帮助omit掉更贵的成分 --> 好耶 买它买它买它
given fact【洗衣液销量上升】
explain : )

 楼主| 发表于 2022-10-13 06:57:35 | 只看该作者
The price of titanium dioxide, a key ingredient in house paint, is increasing due to limited supplies because many mining companies that once produced titanium ore have shifted production to other ores. Without titanium dioxide,  . Companies that produce paint have concluded that they will soon need to increase the prices on the paint they produce.
Which of the following would, if true, most strongly support the companies’ conclusion?
A Prices for paint ingredients other than titanium dioxide are not likely to increase.
B Plants that make titanium dioxide from titanium ore can be idled and restarted relatively quickly.
C The production cost of paint without titanium dioxide is not low enough to make such paint economically viable to compete with paint containing titanium dioxide.
D Because of recent increases in the price of titanium ore, mining companies that shifted production to other ores are now shifting back to producing titanium ore.
E Manufacturers of paint typically contract with chemical makers to lock in the price for at least a year's supply of titanium dioxide at a time.



paint原材料TD供应减少 —> TD价格上升
No TD —> paint颜色浅需要更多paint

Without titanium dioxide, paint colors are less bright and more coasts of paint must be applied to compensate. coast here就是量词,没啥意义,可以不看
就是more paint must be applied

方法1. 继续用涨价的原材料TD
—> 原材料涨价了 cost上升,定价也得高 = soon need to increase the prices on the paint

方法2. 不使用涨价的原材料TD, 不用了
Without titanium dioxide, paint colors are less bright and more coasts of paint must be applied to compensate
成本=TD价格+其他原材料价格+多使用的其他原材料(applied to compensate for less brightness)的价格
—>  是否能得出一定涨价结论取决于 多使用的其他原材料(applied to compensate for less brightness)的价格> TD价格
a. if > then 支持涨价conclusion,given TD已经涨价了,换成TD也不能减少cost
b. if《 then no support,因为成本不变or更少
方法2的情况b可以用于削弱conclusion 【Companies that produce paint have concluded that they will soon need to increase the prices on the paint they produce】.因为成本不变,涨价涨什么玩意一天天的不许涨

The production cost of paint without titanium dioxide is not low enough to make such paint economically viable to compete with paint containing titanium dioxide.
Why 当时排除OA
现在的情况:油漆中一种成分TD价格上升了 ——>油漆公司要涨价
错因:wrongly assumed that conclusion中的paint 公司因为TD原材料价格的上升已经跑去用其他的材料替代了 ×
1.  mining companies that once produced titanium ore have shifted production to other ores
2. 如果木有TD要花更多paint

方法2的cost is not low enough to make such paint economically viable to compete with 方法1的cost
题干已给出fact TD就是贵了


not low enough to compete = 使用方法1反而更便宜  ->还不如继续用含有TD的paint呢 还更便宜

without TD 比 with TD less economically viable,就是我只能去选择用方法1 —— 继续使用TD,哪怕它涨价了
因为可能存在的alternative(以上方法2) -- 不使用TD but用更多的paint to compensate the color -- 被否决了 (成本更高)

加强conclusion:结论是要increase the price on the paint they produce,
一定要涨价!以上两种方法不管哪种都会increase the price,妹有better alternative哦,只能涨价啦sry mate

D. Because of recent increases in the price of titanium ore, mining companies that shifted production to other ores are now shifting back to producing titanium ore.
为什么选D:忘记题目类型 淦
方向反了, 要增强要涨价,D削弱了
GMAC老头 CR错误选项惯用套路之一:exact opposite direction (tempting by presenting info that relates perfectly to the argument, but just in the wrong manner)
 楼主| 发表于 2022-10-13 19:53:47 | 只看该作者
In the country of Malan, companies caught dumping industrial waste illegally on public property will soon face fines. Fines at fixed amount per violation have been proposed. Critics object that such mixed fines would encourage companies to be violators to make sure each violation pays, which they would do by dumping so much waste that the savings, relative to the costs of legal disposal, exceed the fine.
The critics objection assumes which of the following?
A Companies convicted of illegal dumping on public property will not be required to clean up the site and to dispose of the recovered waste properly.
C The cost of disposing the industrial waste legally is less per unit of volume If the qualities disposed of are large rather than small.
D Much illegal dumping is a perpetuation of customary practices rather than a defiant response to legal restrictions.能排除但有单词
E Fines based on volume of illegally dumped industrial waste would be no more difficult to assess than fixed fines.


- 乱掉垃圾 will soon face fines.
Proposal: Fines at fixed amount per violation have been proposed

Critics: 我不认可你这个proposal

长难句:Critics object that [such mixed fines would encourage companies to be violators to make sure (that) each violation pays (pays here 可以理解为pay back -- 值得), 【which they would do by dumping so much waste that the savings, (relative to the costs of legal disposal 插入语,修饰名词the savings), exceed the fine.

不是要按照fixed amount per violation来罚款吗,格局打开,我丢一包也是丢,那我丢一伯包也是丢
我屯个763包再丢不香吗,你罚的款给你当工资了hehe 反正比我自己legally扔便宜

A选项取非: Companies convicted of illegal dumping on public property will be required to clean up the site and to dispose of the recovered waste properly.

 楼主| 发表于 2022-10-13 20:45:16 | 只看该作者
House cats suffering from hyperthyroidism——A condition characterized by weight loss, hyperactivity and eventually heart disease——often show high blood levels of polybrominated diphenyl ether (PBDE), a chemical used as a fire retardant in rugs and furniture covers. Clearly the use of PBDE for this purpose can contribute to hyperthyroidism in house cats.
Which of the following would, if true, most weakens the argument?
A Any sensitivity to PBDE that a house cat may have is at least partly based on genetic factors.
D Some diseases other than hypothyroidism produce symptoms in house cats like those produced by hyperthyroidism.
E The effects of hyperthyroidism in house cat include an inability to expel PBDE from the blood.
得H病的猫猫血液里有high blood levels of PBDE(一种用于FR的化学物质)


果-现象-得H病的猫猫血液里 PBDE浓度高
OA:E 因果倒置,不是因为PBDE导致了猫得H病,而是因为得了H病导致PBDE排不出去
argument:NBA球星个子都很高 所以得出结论打球让人长高

Some diseases other than hypothyroidism produce symptoms in house cats like those produced by hyperthyroidism.
得H病的猫猫血液里有high blood levels of PBDE(一种用于FR的化学物质)
选项 - 一些除了H以外的疾病和H产生相似的症状,so what?we DONT CARE about disease or symptons of disease other than H
我们的目标只有一个 削弱PBDE的使用导致了猫得病这个结论!

A. Any sensitivity to PBDE that a house cat may have is at least partly based on genetic factors.
不能削弱 PBDE的使用导致了猫得H病这个conclusion

 楼主| 发表于 2022-10-14 04:19:29 | 只看该作者
Some Nolex corporation employees who use video display terminals daily for extended periods experience vision-related problems such as blurred vision or headaches. Since these problems do not affect all users of these terminals and are quickly and entirely reversible through simple modifications to individual terminals and work spaces, Nolex’s current policy of undertaking modifications only when an employee reports vision-related problems is not detrimental to any employee’s physical well-being.

Which of the following is an assumption on which the argument depends?

B Nolex employees who use video display terminal for extended periods at work do not also use them extensively at home.
D Nolex employees who experience vision-related problems at work from the use of video display terminal will in fact report such problems to their employers.



- Some employees who use video display terminals experience vision-related problems
- 但是
1. these problems do not affect all users of these terminals
2. are quickly and entirely reversible through simple modifications to individual terminals and work spaces

Nolex’s current policy of undertaking modifications only when an employee reports vision-related problems is not detrimental to any employee’s physical well-being.

OA V.S. tempting OE
B Nolex employees who use video display terminal for extended periods at work do not also use them extensively at home.
取非:Nolex employees who use video display terminal for extended periods at work do also use them extensively at home.
employees who use video display terminal for extended periods at work在家也这样过度使用
我的conclusion是这个current policy(which is only undertake modifications when employees report problems)对员工的physical well-being没有任何不利影响

至今还不知道这题思路错在哪,先走先走,反正做了两遍我都没选B 先去管真正错了的题 之后再看说不定有新思路

D Nolex employees who experience vision-related problems at work from the use of video display terminal will in fact report such problems to their employers.
取非:Nolex employees who experience vision-related problems at work from the use of video display terminal will NOT in fact report such problems to their employers.
这些可怜打工人自己独自默默承受这份痛苦,then our conclusion【current policy is not detrimental to any employee’s physical well-being】 collapse

Nolex’s current policy
【of undertaking modificationsonly when an employee reports vision-related problems adv. 修饰undertake】 is not detrimental to any employee’s physical well-being.
提SVO 没事这次不记得咱们下次记得 训练到看到这种恶心东西直接提SVO,想都不带想,刻入DNA


People 【who experience vision-related problems as a result of their use of video display terminals typically experience these problems every day that use their terminal


 楼主| 发表于 2022-10-14 04:53:26 | 只看该作者
Which of the following most logically completes the argument?
Before the nineteenth century in Europe, grain, which was mostly eaten as bread or porridge, was often stored in conditions that allowed the growth of certain fungi. These fungi produce a toxin that when ingested increases susceptibility to disease unless the toxin has been exposed to boiling temperatures for an extended period. Therefore, before the nineteenth century the Europeans' reliance on grain reduced their resistance to disease, since __________.

(A) bread and porridge were often prepared in ways that raised the temperature to the boiling point only for a brief period
(B) each family typically stored a winter's supply of grain in a wooden or stone granary
(C) the toxin-producing fungi have a distinctive aroma that enables people to distinguish contaminated from uncontaminated grain
(D) there were a large number of infectious diseases prevalent in Europe at that time
(E) people who are malnourished are more likely than those who are well fed to be susceptible to disease



19th C 欧洲 grain, which was mostly eaten as bread or porridge, was often stored in conditions that allowed the growth of certain fungi. These fungi produce a toxin that when ingested increases susceptibility to disease unless the toxin has been exposed to boiling temperatures for an extended period.
before the nineteenth century the Europeans' reliance on grain reduced their resistance to disease

句子 impedient to my understanding of the passage
These fungi produce a toxin that when ingested increases susceptibility to disease unless the toxin has been exposed to boiling temperatures for an extended period.
正确语序:These fungi produce a toxin that increases susceptibility to disease when ingested unless the toxin has been exposed to boiling temperatures for an extended period.
选A 没啥难度,就这个句子没看懂
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