Known fact 1 : Scientists typically do their most creative work before the age of forty. Creative work --> mostly done before 40. First bold face : aging by itself brings about a loss of creative capacity. Translation: aging --> loss of creativity. This claim is used to explain the known fact 1. Known fact 2 (second bold face): a disproportionately large number of the scientists who produce highly creative work beyond the age of forty entered their field at an older age than is usual. Translation : still creative after 40 --> most entered the field later than the norm. This finding puts doubt on the "aging after 40" hypothesis since it provides another explanation to known fact 1 : The longer you work in a given field, the harder you will produce creative work. In other words, the author hints that creative work has to be done within a given time frame ( about 15 years ) after one enters the field. After that, creative work is unlikely to happen. Combined together, the first bold face is the part that the author challenges; the second bold face is the part that the author uses as evidence to make the challenge. Answer D is right. -- by 会员 sdcar2010 (2011/3/26 0:24:15)
答案给的是E诶,这道题把我逼的给他完整的翻译了一边才想明白的,对BOLDFACE题一直很无奈。SDCAR的分析很精彩,佩服你简化信息的能力!我对题意的理解是,科学家在某一领域的工作期间的高产年限只有大概15年,就算半路出家40左右入行也照样有可以有大概15年的高产期。入行15年后基本就都江郎才尽了。 注: 个人理解,求批判。 |