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发表于 2010-4-4 01:06:40 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式

Since the deregulation of airlines, delays at the nation's increasingly busy airports have increased by 25 percent. To combat this problem, more of the takeoff and landing slots at the busiest airports must be allocated to commercial airlines.

Which of the following, if true, casts the most doubt on the effectiveness of the solution proposed above?

(A) The major causes of delays at the nation's busiest airports are bad weather and overtaxed air traffic control equipment.
(B) Since airline deregulation began, the number of airplanes in operation has increased by 25 percent.
(C) Over 60 percent of the takeoff and landing slots at the nation's busiest airports are reserved for commercial airlines.
(D) After a small midwestern airport doubled its allocation of takeoff and landing slots, the number of delays that were reported decreased by 50 percent.
(E) Since deregulation the average length of delay at the nation's busiest airports has doubled.


Many people suffer an allergic reaction to certain sulfites, including those that are commonly added to wine as preservatives.
However, since there are several wine makers who add sulfites to none of the wines they produce, people who would like to drink wine but are allergic to sulfites can drink wines produced by these wine makers without risking an allergic reaction to sulfites

Which of the following is an assumption on which the argument depends?

A.    A.These wine makers have been able to duplicate the preservative effect produced by adding sulfites by means that do not involve adding any potentially allergenic substances to their wine.
B.   B.Not all forms of sulfite are equally likely to produce the allergic reactions.
C.  C.Wine is the only beverage to which sulfites are commonly added.
D.  D.Apart from sulfites, there are no substances commonly present in wine that give rise to an allergic reaction.
E.   E.Sulfites are not naturally present in the wines produced by these wine makers in amounts large enough to produce an allergic reaction in someone who drinks these wines.

第二题则是说文章清清楚楚说了是“Many people suffer an allergic reaction to certain sulfites, including those that are commonly added to wine as preservatives”,其他物质你就别考虑啦,所以选很有争议的e不是d

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发表于 2010-4-4 01:17:52 | 只看该作者

Since the deregulation of airlines, delays at the nation's increasingly busy airports have increased by 25 percent. To combat this problem, more of the takeoff and landing slots at the busiest airports must be allocated to commercial airlines.

Which of the following, if true, casts the most doubt on the effectiveness of the solution proposed above?

(A) The major causes of delays at the nation's busiest airports are bad weather and overtaxed air traffic control equipment.
(B) Since airline deregulation began, the number of airplanes in operation has increased by 25 percent.
(C) Over 60 percent of the takeoff and landing slots at the nation's busiest airports are reserved for commercial airlines.
(D) After a small midwestern airport doubled its allocation of takeoff and landing slots, the number of delays that were reported decreased by 50 percent.
(E) Since deregulation the average length of delay at the nation's busiest airports has doubled.


Many people suffer an allergic reaction to certain sulfites, including those that are commonly added to wine as preservatives.
However, since there are several wine makers who add sulfites to none of the wines they produce, people who would like to drink wine but are allergic to sulfites can drink wines produced by these wine makers without risking an allergic reaction to sulfites

Which of the following is an assumption on which the argument depends?

A.    A.These wine makers have been able to duplicate the preservative effect produced by adding sulfites by means that do not involve adding any potentially allergenic substances to their wine.
B.   B.Not all forms of sulfite are equally likely to produce the allergic reactions.
C.  C.Wine is the only beverage to which sulfites are commonly added.
D.  D.Apart from sulfites, there are no substances commonly present in wine that give rise to an allergic reaction.
E.   E.Sulfites are not naturally present in the wines produced by these wine makers in amounts large enough to produce an allergic reaction in someone who drinks these wines.

第二题则是说文章清清楚楚说了是“Many people suffer an allergic reaction to certain sulfites, including those that are commonly added to wine as preservatives”,其他物质你就别考虑啦,所以选很有争议的e不是d

-- by 会员 小娟子nana (2010/4/4 1:06:40)

Since the deregulation of airlines, delays at the nation's increasingly busy airports have increased by 25 percent.
呵呵 搞混了,sinceA,B 这里只有A是原因,而B是结论,a选项就是否定了A即原因  注意注意sinceA,B.  A是原因

Many people suffer an allergic reaction to certain sulfites, including those that are commonly added to wine as preservatives.
However, since there are several wine makers who add sulfites to none of the wines they produce, people who would like to drink wine but are allergic to sulfites can drink wines produced by these wine makers without risking an allergic reaction to sulfites

两道题都是一样的 都是在通过weaken原因来weaken结论

发表于 2012-4-1 02:13:13 | 只看该作者

Since the deregulation of airlines, delays at the nation's increasingly busy airports have increased by 25 percent. To combat this problem, more of the takeoff and landing slots at the busiest airports must be allocated to commercial airlines.

Which of the following, if true, casts the most doubt on the effectiveness of the solution proposed above?

(A) The major causes of delays at the nation's busiest airports are bad weather and overtaxed air traffic control equipment.
(B) Since airline deregulation began, the number of airplanes in operation has increased by 25 percent.
(C) Over 60 percent of the takeoff and landing slots at the nation's busiest airports are reserved for commercial airlines.
(D) After a small midwestern airport doubled its allocation of takeoff and landing slots, the number of delays that were reported decreased by 50 percent.
(E) Since deregulation the average length of delay at the nation's busiest airports has doubled.


Many people suffer an allergic reaction to certain sulfites, including those that are commonly added to wine as preservatives.
However, since there are several wine makers who add sulfites to none of the wines they produce, people who would like to drink wine but are allergic to sulfites can drink wines produced by these wine makers without risking an allergic reaction to sulfites

Which of the following is an assumption on which the argument depends?

A.    A.These wine makers have been able to duplicate the preservative effect produced by adding sulfites by means that do not involve adding any potentially allergenic substances to their wine.
B.   B.Not all forms of sulfite are equally likely to produce the allergic reactions.
C.  C.Wine is the only beverage to which sulfites are commonly added.
D.  D.Apart from sulfites, there are no substances commonly present in wine that give rise to an allergic reaction.
E.   E.Sulfites are not naturally present in the wines produced by these wine makers in amounts large enough to produce an allergic reaction in someone who drinks these wines.

第二题则是说文章清清楚楚说了是“Many people suffer an allergic reaction to certain sulfites, including those that are commonly added to wine as preservatives”,其他物质你就别考虑啦,所以选很有争议的e不是d

-- by 会员 小娟子nana (2010/4/4 1:06:40)

Since the deregulation of airlines, delays at the nation's increasingly busy airports have increased by 25 percent.
呵呵 搞混了,sinceA,B 这里只有A是原因,而B是结论,a选项就是否定了A即原因  注意注意sinceA,B.  A是原因

Many people suffer an allergic reaction to certain sulfites, including those that are commonly added to wine as preservatives.
However, since there are several wine makers who add sulfites to none of the wines they produce, people who would like to drink wine but are allergic to sulfites can drink wines produced by these wine makers without risking an allergic reaction to sulfites

两道题都是一样的 都是在通过weaken原因来weaken结论

-- by 会员 AmyGMAT (2010/4/4 1:17:52)

Since the deregulation of airlines, delays at the nation's increasingly busy airports have increased by 25 percent.
呵呵 搞混了,sinceA,B 这里只有A是原因,而B是结论,a选项就是否定了A即原因  注意注意sinceA,B.  A是原因

我觉得ls所说这里的因果只是 这一整句话 内部的因果, 而这一整句话在题目推理中充当的是一个条件。那么A还是在说这个条件有问题,说这些delay是由另外的原因引起的,完全不理会题目确切说出来的:这些delay是因为degregulation。

关于第2题,我的理解是,Many people suffer an allergic reaction to certain sulfites, including those that are commonly added to wine as preservatives”这里只说including, 也许还有其他的sulfites是酒里面自己产生的,所以答案排除了这个可能,是说的通的。

发表于 2012-4-1 20:41:40 | 只看该作者
Since the deregulation of airlines, delays at the nation's increasingly busy airports have increased by 25 percent.

我觉得这里的since 是自从的意思,不是原因,所以不能看作原因
发表于 2012-4-8 15:20:36 | 只看该作者
第一题更像是plan-goal的题型啊,那么就应该保留plan 削弱goal,即说明plan如何 达不到预期的goal(虽然这里的goal不是那么明显,但可以通过to combat this problem 看出goal 就是to combat delays)。
本题中就是说明为什么plan: allocated to commercial airlines,不能实现goal: To combat this problem,因为A:The major causes of delays at the nation's busiest airports are bad weather and overtaxed air traffic control equipment.
另外针对A选项与原文冲突的说法我认为是不成立。因为原文开始只是在陈述一个背景,其中说的deregulation of airlines 只能说明一个航空公司管制不当,其中的deregulation 即使与bad weather 关系不大,但是可以跟overtaxed air traffic control equipment匹配上,简而言之A并没有与原文产生意思上的冲突
发表于 2014-8-24 10:19:37 | 只看该作者
zhenyu2004 发表于 2012-4-1 20:41
Since the deregulation of airlines, delays at the nation's increasingly busy airports have increased ...

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