经过了一个小时的思考,参考了数张讨论贴,我终于想明白了!!! Among the more effective kinds of publicity that publishers can get for a new book is to have excerpts of it published in a high-circulation magazine soon before the book is published. The benefits of such excerption include not only a sure increase in sales but also a fee paid by the magazine to the book's publisher. Which of the following conslusionns is best supported by the information above. A. The number of people for whom seeing an excerpt of a book in a magazine provides an adequate substitute for reading the whole book is smaller than the number for whom the excerpt stimulates a desire to read the book. 我个人认为Lawyer_1和gonghao对于此题的解释是不那么合适的。(http://forum.chasedream.com/dispbbs.asp?boardid=24&replyid=1732727&id=183315&page=1&skin=0&Star=1) (对不起,不知道这么说会不会大逆不道,没有任何不尊敬的意思。只是就这道题而言而已,两位的水平本人高山仰止。然智者千虑必有一失,如吾之愚者亦会偶有一得而已!还望担待则各。) 问题出在什么地方!我认为是阅读的精准性,每一个词组和单词都是如此的重要(这也是Gmat的魅力之一啊!) A中比较的到底是什么?其实是这么两种人。一种是(an adequate substitute for reading the whole book),另一种是(stimulate a desire to read the book)。注意蓝色的字!(尤其是这个Desire和Read)。万万不要把这两种人,reapectively 等同于看完杂志后买书和不买书的人。在万般崇尚简练的Gmat考试中,文中那么一大段的修饰绝对不是没有用的!!! 什么意思?摘要到底有什么用?从常识或者说一般的逻辑出发,摘要对于整书的销售应该有三种影响:1. 正影响(收益):刺激(stimulate)原来不买书的人去买(desire to read)。2. 负影响(损失):原来本要买书(the whole book)的人,不买了(an adequate substitute)。3. 0影响(对于是否买没有影响):原本要买whole book的还买whole book。原本不读此书的人也没有被刺激想去读此书! 只有在摘要的收益大于损失的情况下,也就是说本不买而要买人的数量要大于本要买却不买的人的时候,才能造成a sure increase!!! 以上,就是本人的分析。之所以花了一个小时的时间,就在于英语阅读的能力还是不够强悍啊!有什么进一步的问题,欢迎讨论! ![](/static/legacy-emoticon/Dvbbs/em10.gif) |