As an OBA Alum of the School, I receive some messages from the School from time to time and I hope the following will be useful for the fellow CDers, if they are interest in comming to Oxford. 以下为讯息內容: I have recently joined the Said Business School, and I am currently reviewing the important area of scholarships within the school and how we can grow the level and range of financial support that we can offer prospective MBA students here at the University of Oxford. I am developing a school-wide policy on which we aim to develop and increase our portfolio of scholarships and therefore increase our ability to attract the very best students to the Said Business School. I have attached a link to a survey that should only take 5 minutes to complete, asking just 9 questions, and ask that you take a moment of your time to complete it by the 2nd of June, this will greatly help us to assess the type of awards we should offer, that appeal and that will enable us to move forward in developing and improving our Scholarship and Award activities. For further details on our current Scholarship and Award portfolio please visit: We greatly appreciate your time, many thanks For further information on the above please don't hesitate to contact: Lara B Milnes T: +44 (0)1865 288404 F: +44 (0)1865 288412 E: Development Officer, Said Business School University of Oxford Park End Street, Oxford OX1 1HP, UK
[此贴子已经被作者于2008-5-21 22:34:07编辑过] |