Dear Friends, Projects Update Seasons Greetings from Oxford !
I would like to take this opportunity to wish you all a joyful festive season and I am also delighted to announce that we are now accepting project briefs for the Strategic Consulting Project (SCP) 2009.
Upon receipt and approval of your project brief, student teams will be asked to register their interest in the projects offered. Project sponsors will then be invited to review the list of proposed teams, including a team CV, and submit your final selection to the Projects Office. Student teams will then be assigned to projects based upon the preference ranking given from both company and student.
As in previous years, the SCP is a team-based project which most students will undertake, focusing on strategic issues within organisations locally, nationally or globally. It is scheduled for 8 weeks in July and August, and enables students to extend their learning into the business environment before graduation. The goal is for students to prove their ability to work in teams in a completely new setting, to apply their course learning and experience, and prove they can deliver value within a short timeframe.
Organisations can use the skills of teams to: · focus a fresh approach on an issue facing the organisation · help define in detail a project to address the issue · draw up specific schedules and budgets for the project · successfully see the project to a conclusion and deliver recommendations that are innovative, creative and practical.
Organisations that participate in this scheme get many benefits, including: · an additional staff resource that is experienced but economical · a team that can bring to bear a multi-disciplinary, multi-functional and often multi-cultural approach · access to the academic and research strengths of a top class business school through the student teams As most of you have first-hand experience of the SCP we would welcome your thoughts and suggestions regarding new projects, so if you have an idea for a suitable strategic consulting project, we would love to hear from you.
To assist you with this process I have attached a project brief template, which you should complete and return to Alison Gestra, Projects Officer,
I look forward to hearing from you, in the meantime if you do have any queries regarding projects, please do not hesitate to contact Alison Gestra (telephone 01865 288874).
Kind Regards, Christopher McKenna MBA Programme Director & Reader in Business History and Strategy Said Business School, University of Oxford Fellow, Brasenose College, Oxford |