以下是引用mindfree在2003-10-29 6:59:00的发言: 1. First you need to understand the argument and its reasoning. Assumption is to fill the "gap" between premises and conclusions. So the meaning of the assumption must be relevant to the argument. To test assumption, use negative and see if original argument still holds or not.
A. Irrelevant. The argument is not about whether the market can expand or not. And cheap and high-performance are not mentioned. Use A negative you can see original argument does not change. B. Irrelevant. It does not fit in the argument at all. C. Right. The gap in the original argument is that the premises said that innovation is driven by racers and conclusion is that innovation is limited to just a certain type. There is a gap between "racer" and certain innovations. Let me use an analogy:
Computer software sales are driven by teens. So software development is limited to games. The gap is between teens and game. The argument by default associate one with the other, in another word, by assumption.
C is just the statement of the association. D. Irrelevant. It is a whle new statement, which is not substantiated by the original argument. E. If you truly understand the meaning of E, you would not pick it. Another irrelevant choice.
我做这题使用取非削弱来做的,可见两种方法是可以融会贯通的。(以前一直认为两个方法是孤立的,一个题只能用一种方法解) |